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I need silence, the noise coming out of these drunk people and speakers is much too loud for my head to process. Honestly who willingly comes to parties? Anyways my brain pulsating out of my body is making it quite hard to hear my inner dialogue clearly,, I need a bathroom, asap. Good God these adolescents need therapy, perhaps this is their version of help, booze, drugs, and random peoples bodily fluids mixing in with their own, not particularly my cup of chamomile  tea, but to each their own I suppose- oh god this bathroom was not intended for this many people. I'm leaving. Now. 

Where the hell is my bike? Fuck. It's not like I live 15 minutes away, the bike is tomorrow me's problem, I guess I'm walking. Fuck it's cold, my head is spinning I can barely see what's in front of me. I should've caught a ride, no I knew no one there I'm better off on my own, I can handle this. I can feel the eyes of the passing cars, everyone is staring at me, they're judging me, they're gonna call the cops, fuck I need to get off the main road already. I'm used to going on long walks by myself, but this is different, I can feel the world spinning, is this normal? I didn't drink too much, did I? No I only had a beer and a leftover shot, what is this, I need help, I know better than to hitchhike, but it's late and I'll just be bothering anyone if I call at this time. 

My thumb is already pink from the stubborn cold, how long have I been standing here, where am I at? I know I went off the main road, through the forest and the road I'm on is usually for Campers or Hikers to make their way to the park, but it leads to the same side roads that lead to my neighborhood while avoiding the main road as much as possible so I frequent places like these, but this seems too unfamiliar, well I'm not entirely sure I could recognize my own reflection at the moment, there's only been a handful of cars and I wouldn't stop for a stranger walking, probably in a noticeably rough condition, I probably look unhinged, will somebody please just let me sit in their trunk? Take me anywhere, I wouldn't even mind the police at this point, I just want to be home, can someone just take me home?

Was that the same Blue car from awhile ago? Are they are they trying to scope me out to see if I'm a serial killer or just a wasted drunkard? I'm neither but I do need a ride, should I smile or wave? No that'd make them think i'm a psycho, fuck they're gonna pass me, oh man they're passing me, what do I do? Fuck im gonna smile and wave, Fuck I smiled and waved what's wrong with me am I actually insane? Oh what're they- Oh bless the stars and moon for this miracle, they pulled over, they're on the other side of the road, do i just casually walk up to their window like a prostitute or some crackhead? What if they didnt even see me and think im trying to kill them? I should just walk pass them and keep trying my luck. Their car seems like a newer model, i'm sure their heaters work, getting a closer look their tint is really dark, it doesnt look cheap either, its not purple or bubbly, what am i thinking about, i guess being drunk really does bring out peoples weird side, man i cant even feel my body at this point, the car is still parked on the side, are they watching me? Fuck what if its a serial killer, should i run? no, that's probably not he best of ideas, if they have ill intent they could easily catch up to me, and im in no condition to run any time soon. The window is being rolled down? It's a man, he doesnt look like a creep but hes just staring, does he think i could possibly hurt him? Even in this state i could easily tell im no match, he is quite a looker too, i dont think i would hurt him even if i could.

He's lighting a cigerette, the cars moving, did he pull over just to light it? He's a little behind me now, and i dont think it takes that long to spark up, but what do i know, he doesnt look like he's from here, "Hey, do you need a ride miss?", have the gods decided that my life was worth a blessing? this is awesome, fuck i should probably respond "Yes pl-" oh no, please don't let this be HAPPENING, the gods are cruel. As my bodily fluids of my past three meals rudely interrupt my plead for assistence, im sure this kind man would revoke his gesture and leave me in my pathetic dark path, but instead i heard a car door opening and the warm words "Let's get you somewhere safer..." Ah I see ive met my savior. The world is a mess, i'm a mess, everything is so fuzzy, he's trying to guide me but I can barely walk this night couldn't get any wo- OH okay he lifted me. It's probably alot easier to guide a drunk person if you dont have to actually guide them, good job you handsome kind, strong,- what am I thinking he probably thinks im a disgusting mess fuck he just had to pick me up like a princess. Admittedly if i wasn't in my current state i could say this situation is slightly pleasing to my little girl dreams of being swept up off my feet by my knight in shining armor but it is a little off note. This man smells amazing what is this , like a sweet linen musk? That makes no sense, was I sniffing him did he notice? "I didn't shower this morning, my apologies miss if my smell is unpleasnt" holy fuck did he just speak to me? what do i say, oh we're going down, "Excuse me let me open your door" he speaks so kindly, his voice is smooth and deep, i can feel it run through my mind as if it were butter going through bread.. " 

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