Horror Movies

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It's all about the title of the chapter ... lol

Okay , so today, I would like to share my last week experience of a horror movie

Like Damn, I hate horror movies

Okay so, last week, I watched a horror movie with my big cousin ... it was about this killer on the road, whose out to kill these teenagers

There was these disgusting parts, like when the killer literally grabbed this teenage dude , and his body was by a fan, and the fan was just cutting him up to bits and pieces , like Ohmyword

And also this scene, where the killer , chains another teenage dude, around and on his face, and he presses a button , then the teenage dude's face , squeezes, and the blood is coming out ...

Damn, I'm never watching a horror ever again

After the movie , I got angry with the killer , but then, my brother kept saying it was just a movie ... LMAO

Moral of this chapter:

-NEVER, Watch A Movie With Annebella.

Lol ...

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