Chapter 72

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The drive back to the apartment is quiet. I am very happy and impressed by Derek's behavior tonight. He really made me proud.

"What are you thinking?", Derek asks me softly.

"I am happy that you were in your best behavior tonight. Thank you", I say.

"I am happy too", he says and smiles.

"Why cant you always be like this?", I ask the question which I've wanted to ask him for so long, since the day I got to know him better.

"Like what?"

"Happy and calm", I say and wait for his response. Derek remains quiet for few seconds, "You cant always be happy and calm", he says.

"Why?", I ask quickly.

"Because you know nothing about me Jazz... You know only the boy who is with you, you don't know the boy who is not with you. How is he? what does he do? You just don't know anything about that boy. I am that boy"

Derek's words shows me his wounded past. What happened to him? His family is like prefect. Kay is so sweet and Steve is such a good father. His two loving sisters will do anything for him and his family is all love and care. What past do they have? I remember about the incident that Derek told me when Kay burnt his new cycle. But those were the days when they were financially weak and that doesn't define their family.

"Jazz?", he brings me out of my thoughts.

"Derek, I want to know more about your family", I say honestly.

"You will never know"

I don't push him further. If Derek can be in his best behavior today, then I should also give him some space to breathe. The rest of the drive passes in silence and finally we reach my apartment. I climb out and lean against the window. "Take care Jazz", Derek says. 

"Stay with me tonight?", I ask. I don't want to be alone anymore. 


"When you asked me to stay with you I agreed quickly, now its your turn to pay me back", I say logically. I don't want him to know how much I need him to stay with me tonight.

"Are you serious?", he asks.

"What's so strange? Come on!", I say and gesture him to come up.

I turn on the lock and open the apartment. I sigh and step inside, pouring myself a glass of water. Derek looks around and asks, "Where is Aby?"

"She is in San Francisco with her parents", I say and remove my heels. I groan as my feet touches the cold floor.

"Oh so you're all alone?", he asks.

"Obviously!", I say and roll my eyes. Derek chuckles and removes his coat. The white shirt looks so good against his skin. I cant tell how hot he looks in them. 

"Are you coming to college tomorrow?", he asks and I shake my head.

"No, I need sleep", I say and sit down on the couch. Derek sits down next to me, "I had a great time today", he says.

"Me too", I say and yawn.

"You're too sleepy", Derek says and moves closer to me. Suddenly, some inside me lights up. Is it Derek? Of course!

"Yeah..", I say softly.

I slowly stand up from the couch and walk towards my bedroom. Derek follows me and stands near the doorway. 

"You can sleep", I say and gesture towards the bed.

"After you", he says.

I struggle to remove my dress under Derek's stare. I try hard to pull the zip down of my frock, but fail miserably. 

"Can you help?", I ask looking at Derek through the mirror. Why am I even changing my dress in front of him?

"Sure", he says and walks towards me. 

I take a deep breathe when Derek stands behind me. His cold fingers travel up to the zip of my frock and slowly pulls it down. It seems so easy to him and within seconds, I feel free. 

"Thank you", I say awkwardly and turn around. Immediately, Derek cups my cheek and leans in to place a kiss on my lips and look at me. I hold my dress from falling and stand still. Derek pulls my waist and presses his mouth against mine and I close my eyes. I let him take full control over my body as he presses his tongue deeper into my mouth. He cups both my cheeks and continues to kiss me hard. Derek pulls me towards the bed along with him. Our mouths are still pressed against each other and my hand rests on my dress holding it in place. 

Derek's leg hits the edge of the bed, making both of us fall onto the cold mattress. I am hovering on top of Derek and quickly he turns me around. His eyes don't leave mine and I look at the way his lips are a darker shade of pink now. 

"I need you", Derek says as he unbottons his shirt slowly. I can feel his stare burning me from inside, but I need to be calm. I should not act like the animal which jumps onto its prey. Derek tosses his hair onto the floor and I try not to laugh at him. I take my hands away from my dress and rest it on the mattress. Derek hovers on top of me and buries his head in my neck. He runs his tongue across my neck and I gasp. His hands move to the hem of my frock and he slowly pulls it up, making it to rest on my hips. I look at him. His hand moves to his pocket and he pulls out a foil packet.

"Do you always carry this around with you everywhere? With whom were you going to make out in BB?", I ask and Derek chuckles.

"Just like you girls carry around tissues and lipsticks, we carry around condoms", Derek winks and I burst out laughing. He does have a good sense of humor, but the thought of him making out with somebody else makes me feel a bit jealous.

"Whatever", I say and roll my eyes. 

"Help me to put on the condom", Derek says. He is not joking, he is serious. 

"Have you ever done that before?", he asks looking at my worried expression.

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