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Third Person POV

The redhead was walking in the streets finding the address that was written on the paper that she was clutching it closer to her heart like her whole world depended on it. Two more blocks  she thought to herself, her face was void without any emotions but from the inside she was overwhelmed. She is not weak, she is strong, she kept repeating these words in her mind to face the person who she feels abandoned her.

Standing outside the big house the redhead was weighing her options, now or never, if she goes back she won't get this opportunity again. Taking the final decision, she collected herself and opened the gates. She took few more steps and ringed the bell. 

After five minuets, a blond haired women opens the door. Seeing the redhead the blond gasps, she didn't expected to meet her not yet.

A single tear slipped down from redheads eyes, she did it, she finally met her, the redhead thinks to herself.



"Ughhh! Peter drop me, I don't intend to have a midnight swim", I begged.

"No can do cookie, no can do", he chuckled.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, leave me now or I swear to god you will pay for this", I warned hm.

"Using full name Baby, eh?", he sassed.

He carried me to the pool and literary dropped me.

"I hate you Peter Parker", I huffed.

"Oh! don't worry sweetheart I am joining you", he winked making my heart skip a beat. 

He removed his shirt and jumped into the pool, he swim towards me and held my waist.

"What are you doing Pete?", I whispered.

"Enjoying some time with my most beautiful girlfriend", he whispered in my ear.

"Uhh huh?"

"Hmm, you have been very stressed out lately, so I decided to make your mood light", he explained and bent down kissing my neck. I moaned and held him tighter.

"I love you Peter Parker"

"I love you to Bethany"

I pulled him into kiss, this kiss was so strong and fierce, his hands roamed down my waist and then held my hips. My hands traveled down exploring his abs and suddenly he lifted me up so that my legs were around his waist making me squeal.

I laughed " Maybe we should continue this in the room", I whispered in a seductive tone.

"Yes", he growled.

We got out the swimming pool with Pete carrying me. While our way to the bedroom he kept on kissing me hungrily. 

And let's say that was the best night we have ever had!

A/N: wooh! so any comments on this chapter?

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