2. Youngsters In Verdansk

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Somewhere in Verdansk...

At the Port of Verdansk, a bunch of Al-Qatala fighters are there, terrorising some people they've managed to capture. There, they've found more and are planning to create some snuff videos of them beheading them and posting it live on the internet. One of them holds up a camera on a tripod and begins to record. One of them grabs a woman wearing a hijab and she kneels next to a man who's a priest from a church. Behind them is an Al-Qatala member armed with a machete and begins to talk in English.

Al-Qatala messenger: "People from around the world. You've done this. This is what happens after you try to intervene! We are Al-Qatala! We are the Killers! The Russians have chosen to try and reclaim this including America! So, let this be a warning to you! Starting with this woman!"

Woman: "!لا! لا! لا تفعل ذلك من فضلك!"
(No! No! Don't do this!)

(I finally found out how to put Arabic words in this)

The man grabs her by her head and he proceeds to raise his machete high and then he shouts out.

Al-Qatala messenger: "!من أجل الذئب"

He then begins to swing it down at the woman but quickly stops after he and the other fighters begin to hear an explosion coming from the sky. The Al-Qatala fighters see 5 large lions in the sky, all made of metal. One is black with red wings while the others are all different colours such as green, red, blue and yellow. The lions are entering through the atmosphere and the messenger alerts an Al-Qatala fighter holding a rocket launcher.

Al-Qatala messenger: "!لا تقف هناك فقط! أطلق النار على تلك الأشياء من السماء"
(Don't just stand there! SHOOT THOSE THINGS OUT OF THE SKY!)

Al-Qatala fighter: "!نعم"

He then aims at the largest one, which is the black coloured lion and he puts his finger on the trigger.

Switching perspectives...

After entering the atmosphere, Keith is now looking down at the destroyed city below. The others do the same with Shiro remaining vigilant as they enter.

Keith: "You guys seeing this?"

Lance: "Yeah, of course, I am, Mullet."

Hunk: "Hey, guys what's that?"


Then, Shiro notices something. A small metal rocket flying towards them and Shiro quickly tries to move his lion.



The Black Lion is hit on the side, and it begins to shake and fall downwards towards the land below.

Shiro: "I'M HIT!"

Pidge: "SHIRO! NOO!"



Hunk is also hit. He tries to pull up as his lion begins descending rapidly and crashes into the waters below. Lance, Keith and Pidge keep flying and then, another rocket is fired and it strikes Pidge's lion on the neck.

Pidge: "AAAHHH!!!!"


Pidge crashes on land Near Shiro and now Lance & Keith are the only 2 left in the air.


Keith: "They're definitely not Galra!"


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