The Pain Of Fibromyalgia

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The warning that, within your body, there is damage,

Something that needs to be fixed,

An activity that needs to be stopped.

Pain is necessary.

It keeps us from doing things that harm ourselves,

It is a warning, vital and imperative,

One that should not be ignored.

But what if that Pain is everywhere?

A constant, never ending assault,

That makes it's battlefield within us,

And we do not know why.

Pain that beats at you,

Tears at you,

Stabs and crushes,

Until Pain is all that you know.

But Pain does not come alone.

It brings with it friends,

Vile, treacherous, unwelcome companions,

That make your life into an unending misery.

The friends Pain brings take their place in the battle.

New battalions that strike from places unexpected,

A concerted attack, massed and brutal,

Or with swift, and vicious, guerrilla tactics.

Pain enjoys the company of it's comrades in arms.

Fatigue; Light Headedness; Lack of balance;

Brain Fog; IBS; TMJD; Ever Changing Eyesight,

So many, and MORE, all arrayed against you.

Pain dominates your world.

The Pain of Fibromyalgia,

The Pain of the life you once had, now lost,

The Pain of an eternity of tomorrows, with no relief in sight.

Pain steals from you.

Your strength, your vitality,

Your plans for the future,

Your hope.

Yet Pain is always there.

And we live with it,

And learn to 'accommodate' it,

Learn to live our lives as best we can.

And each day, the battle begins anew.


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