II: Party Ghosts

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Dream spent the rest of the day hanging out with him. Someone messaged him for a task or job or... something, but he declined. Eventually though, his communicator got too full of messages, which was his cue to leave. Tommy hugged his only friend before he was gone.

The first thing he did after Dream was gone was pick flowers.

He searched the fields for a different flower than last time, scouring the worn grass, before settling on a tearful flower by the name of a blue orchid. He didn't know it at the time, but it was uncommon to find out in a desolate place like this.

It reminded him of Ghostbur.

Come to think of it, the ghastly fool had promised to come to the party, hadn't he? Hadn't Ghostbur been responsible for hanging out invitations?

Had he stopped people from coming?

Had he forgotten?

No. No, Ghostbur loved him. He was like a brother to Tommy, albeit a clingy one. He was good. He wasn't like Wilbur...

Tommy plucked the first petal off of the orchid harshly, tearing it off near the end. He set to his rhythmic ritual, whispering, praying, pleading onto the flower, muttering the words;

"He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me..."

On and on it went.

Bad luck again. ...He loves me not.

He should have expected that.

It was in the days that followed that Tommy stopped seeing Ghostbur.

He could still hear him and feel him. But it took a lot of concentration for Tommy to even fixate on the outline of his former friend, and he didn't have the energy. So he just stopped seeing him.

Tommy never learned if Ghostbur stayed by his side through the rest of his exile, or if he left after Tommy stopped acknowledging him.
303 words

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