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I turn around to see a woman coming towards me, and I could tell straight away that she was my mother

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I turn around to see a woman coming towards me, and I could tell straight away that she was my mother. The boys automatically go in full protective mode as we notice alot of men in suits, around 14 or 15 of them. It was pretty intimadating to be frank but I wasn't one to be intimadated. They tensed up and glared daggers at Marcus and John. 

"You can stand there. Don't come closer", Marcus said. They all continued to glare at them but the woman in the middle was staring right at me with tears filling her eyes. They matched mine. My hair, my face, I looked just like her. I pushed through Marcus and John and stood in the middle with both of them by my sides. The men all of sudden looked at me and they all stared. I took them in one by one. I'm guessing this is my father the one by my mother. There were seven boys to the side of my mother, I'm guessing my older brothers. I see two older men and I guess they are my grandpa's.

I stared them all straight in the eyes and they seemed surprised by my attitude but they also seemed proud. It was very odd. I stood up tall and stared at my mother.

"I'm guessing your my so called mother", I said. I was glaring daggers at her, but what she did was unexpected. She started to cry. Damn was I that cold. The 7 boys huddled around her and glared at me. I rolled my eyes at them and looked at Marcus and John as they smirked.

"I'm so sorry my Alice! I tried to find you I promise, your so strong and beautiful and just wonderful, I missed you so much", She said between gasps. I continued to stare at her with interest. I look towards Marcus and the men followed my gaze. Marcus shook his head slowly and so did John. We heard the Sirens. The men did too. I looked at Marcus and John and they realised what I meant and they went to the back leaving me alone with them. They were getting our stuff.

"So, what do you want?", I asked with no emotion with my arms cross over my chest. 

The woman came closer and closer until she pulled me hesitantly into a hug. At first I stood frozen with my arms by my side, until after a few minutes I pulled my arouse her. It was a warm hug, a nice one, a motherly one. I slowly wrapped my arms around her tightly and hugged me harder as she cried on my neck. I put my hand on her hair and told her it was alright. She stopped crying and cupped my face.

"Please tell me you lived a good life", She said. She was so scared that I hadn't so I nodded yes and she seemed to look relieved. She came back when a man came forwards. He was pretty tall, infact they all were, I guess I lucked out on the genes. He looked like me as well meaning he was my father.

"Hi darling", He whispered and put a hand on my cheek. I felt Marcus and John behind me as I quickly put I put my hand up and they backed up.

Touch isn't my thing.

"I'm Bradley, your father", He said slowly. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his kneck as he was knelt down. He put his arms tightly around my waist and I could feel the tears on my shoulder. It was making me cry, men crying just did something to me but I could hold the tears in. I still wasn't forgiving them, I was left alone for most of my life, just because of their job description. He let me go and went to the woman as I looked down to the ground, now shy as all the attention was on me.

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