Chapter 15: Conflictions

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"Please dont say no..." he says his smile fading, but still sitting in the same postion holding up the box.
"And if I do?"
"Then I will respect your decision. But I won't stop fighting for you." "You dont have to decide now. I am sorry for sprining it on you." he says standing up.
"Are you sure this is whats best for us? Or are you just doing all of this because of Namjoon?"
"I dont know how many guys that would be willing to raise a baby that isn't his if it was just a "territorial" thing." Jimin laughs a little as he rubs the back of his head.
"This is true I suppose. Well, I am not saying no, but can we at least wait until after the pregnancy?" she says tilting her head to the side, hoping he wouldn't be too upset with her response.
Jimin thought about it for a minute and then took the ring from the box, and took her left hand and slipped the ring on her ring finger. "At least wear it as a promise then?"
Yu-Jun looked down to the ring, and ran her thumb over it, admiring the pale yellow diamond. The way it glistened in the ligh that shone in the room. It was one of her favorite colors, it wasn't too flashy, or big or gaudy, it was the perfect size that sit just right on her finger. She looked up at him and smiled and nodded her head.
"Yes, I will wear it as a promise for now."
Jimin picked her up carefully and spinned her around lightly and kissed her cheek.
"Now lets talk about why you resigned." he sighs, his face turning serious now.
"After the month of being a stand in director, I realized I have a bigger potential than what I settled myself for. And I decided it was time to find a new path." she shrugs looking away from his eyes.
"Yea right....its because of everything happening isnt it?" he says crossing his arms.
"Not necessarily." she shrugs again.
"Well all the more reason for you to move back home, so I can take care of you." he says pulling her into a hug.
"Mm." she says resting her head against his chest.
"Come on, lets go find more things for the baby room. Its what I wanted to do today. Thats why I came to get you. I figured you could pick out the decor and fix it how you want it." he says kissing the top of her head.
"I'd like that." she says with a smile.

Meanwhile back at the office, Namjoon was finding it hard to concentrate on the copious amounts of paperwork that kept stacking up on his desk.
His mind kept drifting off to Yu-Jun. He ran his finger across his bottom lip as he thought about the first day he kissed her. How he immediatly felt a spark between the two of them. But it wasn't just then, he had felt it when she bumped into him at the coffee shop. And the way she snapped at him without any hesitation.
He buried his face in his hands and sighed heavily. "Idiot. I am a fucking idiot." he says to himself as he takes his phone from his pocket and dials Yu-Jun's number. She probably wasn't going to answer but he decided to try anyways.
"What is it Namjoon?" she answers in an annoyed tone. "I left everything on the flash drive. if you'd give the postion to Hyun-Woo you wouldnt be so far behind." she could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Thats not why I am calling." he says letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Then why are you calling?"
"Have you made an appoointment for the baby yet? You know its important to get that taken care of and have regular appoointments. Also, have you adjusted your diet to acoomidate the baby? Are you taking prenatals?"
"Namjoon!" Yu-Jun says cutting him off. "I will get all of it taken care of. Dont worry. If thats all, I have to go."
"Yea. I guess thats all. I would like to be there for the first appointment as well."
"Fine. I have to go now." she says hanging up.
Namjoon smirks and throws his phone onto his desk. Even now her bratty behaviour drove him over the edge. He really thought she was going to be the one to make him change his ways, but it seem fate had a more different plan for him in the end.

Later that night after Namjoon left the office, he decided to go for a drive. To clear his head of everything he had been thinking all day. Dating for him was stupid. Yu-Jun clearly made her choice in life, so why was he letting him affect him this much,
He tried to clear his head as much as he could, but he couldnt do it. Even after just a short amount of time spent with her, he couldn't shake the thoughts from his mind. He needed to see her. He needed to be with her one more time.
He turned his car around and headed back towards Yu-Jun's house, maybe it wasn't too late. He could tell her how he feels, and maybe...just maybe.....
But then the thought that haunted him in the back of his mind, if the baby wasn't his, would she still want to be with him? Did she even want to be with him at all?
He thought back to when he was gone to the states, how she said she missed him, she sounded so sincere about it, and it terrified him. He couldn't comprehend that someone might actually have feelings for him.
As he pulled into her driveway, he ran up the pathway and up to her door and banged on the door. No one was answering. He began to bang on the door again.
"Yu-Jun!" he called. "Open the door!"
Just then the door flung open, and Namjoon didnt stop himself from grabbing her face and kissing her. Backing her into the house and shutting the door behind him. She tried to pull away, but he wouldnt let her.
He kept kissing her and backing her up, until he felt her trip a little, and he grabbed her by the waist before she could fall down. Breaking the kiss and looking into her eyes.
"What are you doing?" she says putting her hand to her mouth. And thats when he saw it, the ring on her finger.
He backed away from her and laughed.
"This right here is why I dont do the dating thing." he says pulling the ring from her finger and throwing it across the room. "I thought you said you two were just friends?"
"And I thought you said that anytime I wanted to stop, you would respect that." she says moving away from him.
"You never said to stop." he smirks at her.
"I think the resignation letter and me saying I am done with you, was a big indication that I wanted it to stop."
"Please reconsider." he says moving closer to her again.
"No. I love Jimin. I want to be with Jimin."
Namjoon shakes his head and looks around the room, noticing the few boxes packed around.
"Are you moving?" he asks curiously, trying to mask the disappointment in his voice.
"Yes. Im moving back home. And you should go now before Jimin returns." she says walking over to the door and opening it for him.
"Fine." he says coldly as he walks passed her. Yu-Jun slammed the door closed once he was outside, and he thought for a moment of turning around and going back in, but its clear where her intentions were.
"What are you doing here?"
Namjoon looked up to see Jimin getting out of his own car, and slamming the door shut as he began to walk over to him.
"Dont worry. I was just leaving." he says shoving his hands into his pockets and walking towards his car. But then Jimin walks in front of him, putting his hand up to stop him.
"Dont you think you have done enough?" Jimin says with a serious tone. "I know you will be involved until we know who the father is, but you can't just stop by here whenever you want. She's not yours."
"Yea believe me, I fucking know." he says shoving his hand aside and walking around him.
"You act hurt for someone who just wanted to be a fuck buddy with her."  Jimin calls out to him as he gets into his car and speeds off.
Namjoon put his foot all the way down on the gas and watched the needle rise quickly up to 60 and then 75 and then 80 in a matter of seconds. He was angry. More angrier than he had ever been in his entire life. But he wasn't angry with Yu-Jun, nor Jimin. He was angry with himself. For being a fucking idiot. For not just giving in to the feelings when he should have, and now it was too late.

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