the return (Chapter 2)

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Art shown in this chapters cover is not mine lol
Also this is the first official STORY LORE chapter of this fanfiction so poggers lol

"Example text"
=a character is talking
(Example text)
=a character is thinking
[Example text]
=a character is doing something
{Example text}
=Narrator is speaking

Now ladies and gentlemen, let's hope Wattpad doesn't YEET this into oblivion cus I'm writing for the 3rd time now ;-;


{It was a dark clowdy night, or day it really just depends.. but godDAMN it was a good time to be playing a video game right about now. . .

Speaking of video games, it was around about the time the beloved yidrazil goes offline. . .

Hearing the news a certain ANIME PROTAGONIST decided to call a guild meeting as a final goodbye to all the friends he's met while playing. . .

But noBODY came, just a gelatinous player with no body called 'slimez69'

Both of them show faces of grief (... as much as a skeleton and slime monster could show at least..) as momonga was the most devistated...

"did all the years of playing together mean nothing to the others?!?" [The skeleton sighed, as he puts his skeletal palm on his head in a disappointed act..]

(What am I saying.. they all have there own lives to live.. but still)
[The skeleton puts extra force in his grip on his own skull even more annoyed now]

[He summons they're guilds most prized possession..] {the guild item it was?} [As he thought of tampering with one of his closest friends NPCs.. removing albedos order to be a slut]

{Albedo is now madly in love wi- momonga was about to type in his user name as something across the screen catches his eye}

{"Sans the skeleton has joined"}

{Filled with joy and shock momonga accidentally wrote sans name instead of his own, but he need not worry for that as yidrazil was closing either way!}

{Oh how he was wrong in this moment}

[Momonga then uses a high tier spell to see all of yidrazil] ("he was there!" "He was so close!" He thought)

-as the screen cuts to see y/n running across rough terrain-

"DAMNIT DAMNIT.. DAMNIT!!" [Y/n said as he was late to the most important guild meeting request he had ever received]

{We then see him barge open a large golden door revealing the guild meeting room..}

"No one here?" [As he examined further noticing foot steps leading to the throne room, also picking up that non but 2 seats were warm indicating no one but momonga and slimez69 showed up]

{Y/ns thoughts were filled with grief} (did anyone even try to get on..? No, no they were surely doing something else more important)

{But regardless you pick yourself up and go greet momonga, both of you even hugging, it was 3 long years since you've seen each other after all... And that 3 years too late}

{You found both of you talking for more than 5 minutes now as both of you were confused...}

"Wasn't yidrazil supposed to close by now?" {You 2 thought as your thoughts were interrupted by an unknown yet familiar voice}

"Lord momonga, Lord y/n... may I ask if something is troubling you both...?"

{You and momonga were shocked beyond belief, NPCs weren't supposed to be able to talk and pick up the players movements on their own... The game wasn't advanced enough}

"Uhm.. albedo come here will ya?" (You had a plan.. if this works out then it would confirm your suspicions)

"R-right away LORD Y/N!!" (Her thoughts being filled with bliss from being called her one true loveツ )

"Albedo, give me your hand." (If she had a pulse it could only mean one thing...)

"Yes Lord y/n!" [She gives you her hand while is filled with bliss creeping you out a tiny bit]

(What on earth is he doing.. wait... Smart boy!) [As momonga figured out your plan, but his face turned even paler than his already white boned self as he saw you shooked]

(So it was true.. were really not in the game anymore... Idk how to feel about this . . .) "Albedo you can go now... And tell the other guardians to come meet us in the battle grounds in 2 hours.."

"Yes Lord y/n" [she then leaves to do what you ask but not before noting how cool you looked up close]

[You look at momonga both pupils gone]

"We're not in yidrazil anymore.. are we?"

"No... We are not..." [You go up closer to momonga as you 2 were about to discuss what to do]

{But it seems neither of you really cared too much, your lives were shit irl anyway, and you've already spent years building the perfect family here in nazarik... Maybe things won't be so bad after all..}

{Albedo then returns}

"Lord y/n, Lord momonga, the floor guardians are ready!"

[Both you and momonga look at her, momonga opening a portal as you all walk through it]

{Meanwhile... In a secret area under nazarik.. 11 dark figures were seen}


???: "Whatever you say idiot.. everyone knows I'll be the best at greeting him, and he'll finally give the praise I deserve!"

???: "Gotta admit.. the weeds got some balls to call the great ones brother an idiot..."

???: "Y-yeah.. but the great one made him this way for a r-reason.."

???: "Now, now children, you can all get to greet the great one one at a time once we go aboveground"

???: "Yeah! Mom and dad are right! I'm sure he'll shower all of us in his awesomeness just as he used to!!"

???: "Are you sure about that one ???"

???: "What do you mean ???'?"

???: "Why would he leave us here in the first place, face it.. he doesn't care about us.. were nothing to him!"

{Everyone was seemingly hurt from ???'s response}

???: "NYEH he.. hee..... do not worry young elf ???, My brother would never forget about us... As he told me himself.. "brothers of the bone stick together.."

???: .... Well I hope you're right ..


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