➵ 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐈𝐈

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Part II

Previously on Obsessive Redemptions...

Loki's relationship with Y/n had progressed after the two reunited. Loki didn't mean for it to happen so fast, nor did he expect to get into a relationship with Y/n. But this persona he conveyed, Thomas, had become a second personality that was only for Y/n to see. The Loki where it had been thought to have been lost long ago.

A/n: Thank you all so much for the 11k, never thought to see this in my life. Thank you, you are all beautiful people ♡


It was a late evening in the lively city of New York. The lights on every street illuminated the night, like fireflies in the southern swamps. Or like sinful torches in the picturesque country upon a feverish moon.

The streets of people hurried to their nightly adventures of sin and temptation. People say the City of Angels holds the world as a place of desire, yet no one takes to look at the ever at the youthful city of young dreams and manipulative temptations of the wintry air.

Perhaps New York is just a shadow to the pedestal of which Los Angeles has taken.

In one particular restaurant, sits Loki disguised as Thomas with Y/n, the being of his desired affections, sitting opposite him. Loki had dawned his persona of 'Thomas' as if it were second nature to him. A simple switch that changes from his mischievous style to his shadowed and long-forgotten heart of which has been brought back to him all because of one human. A mortal creature by no means should he have gotten close to.

But he did. A bittersweet endeavour of which he must make right tonight. He would hope his good deeds as Loki and has his 'Thomas' would do right by him and show he had changed for the better. But can one truly change?

The restaurant was lowly lit by box lit fires of gold and walls of burgundy scarlet. The type of which romance blooms in the darkest of places. White tablecloths upon the oak tables and empty plates of forgotten foods that can only be remembered in memory of the night.

Thomas had worn a fairly light suit, dawning himself in the colours of young blue and a shirt of white. His Auburn sea wave hair tilted to the side as his glasses reflected the light. Y/n had worn a suit themselves, however not adorning a jacket, but only a polo of the colour burnt umber, it fit with the ambience of the room and between the two.

The conversation between them had flowed from the beauty of the strokes of art to the melodies of forgotten tales and pieces to humanity. Then 'Thomas' has himself ask a question.

"Y/n?" He calls, taking a sip of the dry white wine, that does nothing for his already rock climbing anxiety inside of his throat.


"Say I wasn't so normal," He says making a face, "Say instead of my Autumn hair, I had raven and instead of my blue eyes you've come to know, I had cunning green. Not relating to anyone in particular. Would you still care and enjoy my company then?"

"Of course, you don't judge a book by its cover nor the complexion one takes," Y/n answers.


"You judge them for their actions and morality."

"Ah, that seems kind of petty don't you think?"

Y/n laughed lightly, thinking Thomas had said it as a joke. They sighed and looked at Thomas with eyes hooded and swimming with the desire of pushing forward something they've been wanting to do for a long time and Thomas knew the look for he wanted to do the same.

They may have only been together six months, but those six months go by quickly for Thomas always seemed to be out of town for long periods for his job.

The two leaned over the table and shared a warm kiss. At that moment, however, Loki's disguise as Thomas had begun to fade. Maybe it was the letting of his guard being broken? Maybe a part of him decided to reveal himself? He doesn't know, all that he knew was that the restaurant had begun to gasp and scream in horror and wondering what was happening, the two split apart and Y/n looked to Loki in shock.

Loki not knowing what was happening was asking what was the matter until he was that a thick strand of hair was not his Auburn but his raven. And at that moment he realised the reason for everyone's horror. Especially of that of Y/n.

Y/n ran out of the restaurant, Loki soon following. He couldn't lie out of this one, not now. The wintry air had turned bitter with rain. Y/n was becoming drenched and the streets of people seemed to have lessened and spread out from the early evening to the late.

Y/n trudged in the rain wanting to getaway. Uneasiness and regret wash over them as if they had been swept overboard by a storm, suffocating waves upon the landless space in the mind. How could they have been so stupid? They couldn't believe it. The person that had caused them pain as well as their loved ones over a year ago, was the same one that saved them and gotten closed to them?

He could no longer be trusted.

A warp was heard behind Y/n and they turned around to know what it was. Subconsciously they knew. When they looked behind no one was there, when they went back to shivering in the rain and gritting their teeth, Loki was in front of Y/n.

"I can explain!" He proclaimed reaching out for them.

Y/n turned away with an angry groan and turned away from Loki, trying to cross the next street over. Loki followed in their footsteps while keeping a distance away.

"What about everything you just said?" Y/n rose from their hunched covered position, "What about not judging a book by its cover?"

"Let's take a look at the contents shall we?" Y/n finally spoke. Pain aching through their soul, fear gripping at their body, anger reaping through their heart and frustration banging in their mind.

"You destroyed New York City, killed over 80 people, tried to take over the planet, lied about your identity and actually had me care about you!" Each point Y/n made, each jab they took at Loki's chest with their finger.

Loki winced at every correct statement and jab.

"Why are you so manipulative? So evil?!"

Loki was breaking at those words, he was begging with unspoken words for Y/n to stop saying that. He wanted to explain, he did. But no words could come out. The rock had lodged in his throat, drying his mouth and hurting every moment he breathed.

"What could you possibly hope to gain?" Y/n begged. Loki looked downcast until he looked back up, and Y/n realised that at that moment. She saw the look in his eyes. The same look she saw in herself with him...when he was Thomas.

"I can't believe this...Did you really think I would ever be with you after what you have done?"

Loki averted his eyes, "No..."

Thunderstruck in the sky, it had seemed he was a topic of interest to the superhero group at this current time. Y/n walked past Loki as he stood there.  He looked back at Y/n's walking figure and clenched his fists.

"Why do I always ruin everything?" He whispered to himself as he walked away, finally letting them go. He won't force it...He won't make that mistake.

He warped himself upon a rooftop and called for Thor. Thor arrived dramatically with seething anger written on his face, however that face slowly cooled once he saw his brother's face.

"Brother, what happened? Where have you been?"

"Just...Take me back to my cell."

A/n: I hope you enjoyed, part III will be up in due time. Thank you for reading x

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