Chapter 2

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The Cullens were all doing there own thing,Carlisle and Esme were in his Office,Jasper and Emmett are playing Video games like always,Edward sat by his Piano softly playing and Alice and Rosalie were on the couch talking about fashion.

Alice eyes glassed over meaning she's having a Vision when it finished you could say she practically bouncing off the Walls,Alone that caused the siblings to look at her and the parentical figures to walk into the room.

Edward looked into her mind, searching for the Vision when he found the memory he was in disbelieve.

"Alice, that is not possible, you know that,"Edward said to his 'sister' everyone know looking at the two of them, wanting to know what she saw

"What is not possible?Alice, what did you see?"Carlisle asks her."Just wait till Monday,one of the New student's is going to be very important to this family. Yes, that means you too, Rosalie, especially you."Alice stated with a big smile, hoping that Rosalie and Emmett are going to give her a chance.


Waking up is one of the worst moments when you dreamed of two beautiful golden eyes.I slowly stood up and went to my bathroom to take a shower.

When I finished my shower, I dressed myself for my first school day,'In a New School,in high school with loud people which is  going to get on my nerves'

When I finished my shower, I dressed myself for my first school day,'In a New School,in high school with loud people which is  going to get on my nerves'

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(♤what you are wearing)

🦖🦖🦖Time skip After eating 🦖🦖🦖

After I'm finished eating with my Dad and Bella, I go upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my bag.

When I was walking Down the stairs Bella shoved me "Watch were your going" Was the only thing she said 'yeah obviously I need to watch where i'm going when you can't even walk straight great'

But I didn't have enough energy to say it back because I forgot my coffee/tea,When I was walking to the Livingroom to say bye to Dad I saw that he already left for work probably without lunch again so I decided to leave school in my car which was shipped and came here yesterday late afternoon

But I didn't have enough energy to say it back because I forgot my coffee/tea,When I was walking to the Livingroom to say bye to Dad I saw that he already left for work probably without lunch again so I decided to leave school in my car which was ...

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I worked hard for this car, and I love it

After 15 minutes of driving to school, I was finally there and parked my car. I was obviously faster than Bella, but that's no wonder.

When I got out of my car I saw a lot of people looking at but I just decided to ignore it when I finally really looked around I saw those golden pair of eyes again when I got a closer look they are all beautiful People but two of them are especially hot I feel like I can look at them for forever.

When I saw them staring at me I looked away with light red cheeks when I heard it before I saw it, Bellas Orange Truck when I finally saw her she was driving in the lot next to me now the People were looking at both of us when she stepped out I heard someone say

"Nice truck." Bella seemed to think it was a compliment and said "thanks" with a small smile when I said to him,"And this is your Truck?How many children fit in there?" He looked shocked and mad at the same time when he saw and heard his friends laugh.'Just because I dont really like Bella doesn't mean I can't defend her'

When I looked away again I saw those golden eyes again and the family laughing and chuckling as if they heard what I said 'That's weird dude' was the only thing I though before I grabbed Bella and walked to the Office to get my time table.

When we were at the office, I cleared my throat to get her attention. When she looked up at us, I smiled nicely at her

"Hello i'm Jennifer Swan and this is my sister Isabella Swan we are the New student's here and I would need my time table please" I said to her,when I said my name she Began to smile "my my you have manners my dear, That's wonderfull of course dear just wait a moment I need to Print your time table first" She said nicely to me,looked at her computer and Typed something before she printed the time table.

"Here dear your time table along with your locker code and a map and here are Slips you need your teacher to Sign at the beginning of the lesson and Hand it to me at the end of the day"She said and handed Bella and me everything.

When Bella and I walked in the corridor, a boy with dark hair walked to us. I ignored him and just kept walking to my locker.

When I got everything for my first lesson, I started walking to the classroom.

When I walked into the room, I walked to the Algebra teacher and handed him my slip to sign.

"Hello, my name is Jennifer Swan. Could you sign this, please im the new student" I ask her "of course here,please take a seat next to Miss Cullen" the Teacher said I started walking to her and took my seat.

When I looked at her to introduce myself, she seemed pretty excited and was slightly bouncing on the chair with a big smile on her face

"Hi, I'm Alice,I think we are gonna be great friends," She said with a friendly voice, convincing me that it was gonna be true.

"Well, like you've probably already heard. I'm Jennifer Swan ,pleased to meet you, Alice," I replied to her also with a smile on my face

We talked through the whole lesson. I felt eyes on me but I didn't care because you know New students get a lot of stares.

🦖🦖🦖🦖Time skip to lunch🦖🦖🦖🦖

"Hey, do you wanna sit with me and my family?" Alice asked with a knowing look on her face like she knows something that I dont

"Yeah, sure, just need to check on my sis," I replied to her,when we opened the door to the Cafeteria I looked around to search for my sister when I found her I walked over to her table.

"Hey Bella, and who are all of your new friends?"I ask the people at the table

"Those are my friends Erik,Angela,Jessica and mike" Bella said to me when suddenly we were caught off guard with a flash "sorry just needed a photo for the newspaper" Angela said with a sweet smile which vanished when mike told her that there is going to be no Feature "oh,I guess we are doing Teen drinking again"

"How about the swim team?"I ask her,she smiled at me saying "yeah that's a good Idea thanks"I was about to say something when Bella interrupted me

"Who are they?"

1147 words 1204
Edit: 21.07.24

Can we just talk about how badly I burned my back at the sea today? It looks terrible and it's starting to itch

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