Chapter 1

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Have fun reading it.

Luna Lovegood was sitting on the sofa, watching season 3 of Horrible Histories when her husband walked calmly through the door. He stopped, rather puzzled. Normally, his wife would give him a cheerful greeting and then go back to whatever she was doing, but today her eyes stayed glued on the television.

"Luna, dear, are you alright?" Spencer asked, concerned.

She turned her silvery eyes on him.

"Spencie, we need to talk," She said, seriously.

Spencer's heart plummeted. Surely she didn't want to end their marriage? He walked over and sat next to her on the sofa. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Luna?" Spencer asked, sadly.

"I have some news. It might be quite exciting but I am unsure how you would react. I-I'm pregnant, Spencie. I know we have never talked about kids or anything-" Luna stressed,

Spencer stopped her rambling with a kiss.

"We may not have talked about children, but this is wonderful news! When did you find out?" Spencer asked, curiously.

"This morning," Luna replied.

"When can we tell people?" Spencer asked eagerly.

Luna grinned at him and then picked up a mirror that was lying next to her.

"Ginny Zabini," She said clearly into it, grinning at her husband.

The face of the energetic Holyhead Harpies captain appeared in the mirror, and grinned wickedly at her friend.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Ginny asked.

"Can you gather everyone and get them to floo here. We have some news," Luna replied, smiling serenely.

"Sure. we'll be there shortly," The redhead squealed in excitement.

5 minutes later, all of Luna's friends were gathered in the sitting room.

"So, what's the news, Luna?" Harry asked, wrapping his arm around his husbands waist.

"Yes, do tell. I am dying to know," Pansy added, a smirk on her red lips.

Luna cleared her throat slightly.

"You're all gonna be Uncles and Aunts," Luna said, beaming.

They was an excited outcry, until Ginny yelled at everyone to shut up.

"Blaise and I also have some exciting news. Luna, your kid is going to have a cousin!" Ginny said.

Luna squealed in excitement and they spent the rest of the evening celebrating and talking about baby names.

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