y/n's diary

39 1 11

notez owo
<3  they/them prs for y/n :P
<3 uh bad guy dan x y/n o em gee 😍😱

"....dan...i have to tell you something...in private.." y/n twirled meekly as they fidgeted with their hands. the air became dense and y/n's stomach became filled with an urge...this could be two things. one, the big fat fucking juicy taco bell they had for lunch. OR lust. y/n was just some horny teenager after all and they craved dan's touch against their skin. oh how much they craved it.
"hm?" dan answered in confusion
"oh. sure, you want to go to your room? that'll be more private."

"uhm...s-sure..!" y/n replied happily, their plan was working deep down y/n had the most sinner smile, like that fag from Death Note. but physically they had to act meekly and shy.

they walk up to y/n's room
dan flopped on the bed, his eyes explored the bedroom. posters were covering their walls.

"soo...what's up?" his eyes focused on little trinkets on y/n's desk

"uhm so dan...." y/n fidgeted once more.
"uhm....so i've wanted to tell you..,that..."
the air became dense once more. everything seem still
"that i want you to breed me." y/n forced the words out of them.
" 'cuse me..?" his eyes focused on y/n's body, practically eyeing them up and down.
"uhm...yeah..i've-i've wanted you to breed me for...a while now. i've just... really like you..." y/n's eyes fell to the floor, their view was covered by their bangs
Dan got up and pushed himself against y/n, practically trapping y/n against the door.

a small gasp escaped y/n's mouth
"d-dan.." y/n blushed
"shhhh" dan's finger met y/n's mouth shushing them
"babygirl...i cant resist anymore...because i feel the same way..." dan's eyes explored y/n's body carefully, his eyes full of lust.
"d-dan..." y/n softly moaned as they licked dan's finger
"ew what the fuck bitch?" dan removed his finger from their mouth
"s-sorry... i just really want you dan...." they blushed as y/n's eyes trailed down to dan's mEmbER. shit was stiff
"d-dan..." y/n's blush intensified
dan simply chuckled "go ahead." he growled
y/n dropped to their knees and began to unbuckle his pants, they removed his boxers and low and behold was dan's mEmBeR h a r d. pre cum had oozed out (aka PEE!!🤪😝) y/n's hand gave it a squeeze which made dan let out a low moan, y/n got excited once more causing the feeling in their stomach to return. Y/n got up and began to quickly removed their clothes. first their top, then their pants and finally. their undies (😱😱)
dan just watched as they removed everything, he paused when their underwear hit the floor, a surprised expression was painted on his face
"w-what..?" y/n began looking at their clothes when finally they saw it....
dried up smears of poop had appeared on their underwear. brown and green with a mixture of what seemed like blood was all mixed up like a concoction
"d-d-dan...!! it's not what it looks like i swear...!!!!" y/n quickly blurred out
"...oh babygirl...how did you know...my favorite." dan's eyes softened
"w-wait so you aren't mad...??? or disgusted?"
"pfff i could never be mad at you kitten. just next time remembered wipe well mkay?~"
" oh dan!!" they moaned out loudly they rushed over and placed the fattest kiss on dan's lips. the impact had left dan is shock but he would soon melt into it. Y/n's impact had pushed both of them onto the bed, the cold crisp air left on the sheets made y/n's body shiver, dan thrusted his big fat fucking horse cock into y/n's ass. "d-DAN!!" y/n screamed he's name out
"jesus you sure are tight, i thought with an ass like that you'd be more lose specially since y'know...anyways, shut up i'm going to piss in your hole"
Y/n gripped the sheets like there was no tomorrow as for dan? he was cussing like a sailor, swearing up and down, using the lords name in vain, using his mother's maiden name you name it. Anyways they both reached their climax together ( like real
soulmates do 🥺🥺🤞#y/nxbadguydan4eva!! ) and when it was all said and done, the whole room and gone quiet...y/n let out the most wettest....fattest....juiciest....world trembling.....smelliest....most foul and disgusting fart EVERRRRRRR and then they lived happily ever after, the end 😊😊


guys normalize having poo stains in your underwear 🥺 #youarevalid #pooundies #dontbeashmed #poopride #poosexual #farts #smellypoofarts

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