Part 3

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Auburn's POV

After igniting the house and having a small mental break, Jack and I decided it was time to head out to my dad and deal with him. Since I knew a few shortcuts and backroads to get to  the both his friends place and his girlfriends place, I thought it best to check his girlfriends place to see if he's there. If he is there, and the slut is there too; that'll be even better.

"Jack, I know you might a few questions about how I knew my way around my dead mothers body; feel free to ask away if you'd like." I say interrupting the silence. I hear him shuffle a bit beside me without looking him.

"Yea... how did you know. Those points on the body were the fatal points. I went to medical school as a human, I knew where they were after making many mistakes... but you... you never hesitated to find them, how?" He questioned me.

"Well, I knew because of my sight. When my eyes change, I can see the veins all throughout the body. I can see ever artery and every nerve. Before my friend had disappeared, he told me that he was going to med school to be a doctor but after he started really getting into all his classes and gaining new info, he would call me and tell me all about. I'd even help him study sometimes and one day when I went to visit him, I accidentally scared him and made him fall and ended up getting cut with a scalpel I had gotten as a congrats gift for getting accepted into the school. I hadn't fed before showing up thinking I'd be okay but then he was bleeding and I thought he would hate for it but he didn't. I trusted him on a whole other level after that. When I told him about what my eyes could allow me to see he ask for help with knowing exactly where everything was. I helped him and he was amazing in his courses before of help from me. So in a way we helped each other." I explain exactly. He then looks away, I guess trying to process everything I said.

"Wow. He sounds like he was an amazing guy." Jack speaks lowly.

"He was. Being a heretic has its proc and cons but.. being a vampire lowers those pros I think because of what their nature is. I just hope that I find him again and this time I don't think I'll ever let him go. I was my reason for living with a vampire. The witch I could handle well but the vampire part made it hard and I didn't want to accept that I was a vampire, only a witch." I finish as we come up to her house; closing my eyes and letting my hearing intensify, I hear moaning as well as my dad's name. I growl at the noise and open my eyes back up.

"I take it that he's here?" I nod and say they both are. I walk to the back door which is being shadowed over by the darkness of the night. I look at Jack holding out my hand and as he takes it I jump silently to the roof of the house. I creep over to a window and peer through it, hoping to see them. Once I spot the pair, I sneak over to another window and open it using my magic. Once it was open I quietly step in with Jack following suit. I open my kit and take out two needles as well as two of my created potions. A lethal one for my dad and a sleep solution that'll keep the bitch asleep for hours with nothing wake her until it wears off. I look at Jack and hand the needle containing the sleep solution and tell him to use it on the slut while I handle my bastard for a father.

We both quietly walk into the bedroom as the two are now asleep and we head over to them. I jab the needle into my dad's neck and inject the poison into him as Jack does the same to the side-hoe my dad had.

The poison I injected him with causes skin irrigation; rashes and burns all over his body, bleeding from the eyes and ears, it causes teeth loss as well, after all of this he starts convulsing and chokes on his own saliva, the last thing that happens to him is his fingernails start falling off as well. While all this is happening to him the woman does not move an inch compared to the flailing around my bastard father is doing as well speak. I take the needle and place it back in my kit as well as taking the Jack had used on the girl. I breathe in deeply and close my eyes before telling Jack that it's over.

"We should get back and Slender know it's done." I say without hesitation. Jack nods and we exit the house; I decided that burning the house would be a waste to what I did. I want the slut to find her lover dead in a gruesome manner, I want her to panic and scream, I know that she'll do all of this because of how pathetic she really is. I smile as we continue on.

"Auburn, can I ask a few questions about your parents?" Jack asks slightly mumbling.

"Sure, ask away." I reply kind of emotionless not really caring about them or the topic.

"How long have they been like that?" I sigh and stop dead in my tracks.

"It started when I turned 17... I felt sick the whole day and so I stayed in bed. I was able to smell and hear everything I couldn't before. I was scared and since my parents were religious, they thought I was possessed by a demon or the devil himself," I pause and start giggling before continuing. "They knew something was wrong when my eyes changed; well more like my pupils changed that is. The first time they changed I screamed and didn't k ow what to do, they turned to slits like a cats eyes would.

"My canines grew longer and sharper, my skin was paler than normal.... my taste was even different, I could eat human food but it didn't have a taste like it normally would, there was no flavor. That's when my bloodlust started... I was able to control it for months but then after a while I was harder to control. Sometimes I would out on the days that the sun would be clouded over and tried drinking the blood of animals, it worked a little but I knew that I needed fresh blood from a human but I too scared to feed from someone and accidentally kill them. But like I said before my friend had offered me blood; trusting that I won't kill him.

"And my parents, well... they started to distance themselves from me and each other. My mother changed her work schedule so that she won't have to see me all the time and my father hung out with his friends more and even went as far as to have a mistress. And yes my mother did know about her but never complained since their marriage was falling apart and they always blamed me for it." I finish telling my past and I can tell by Jack's breathing that he was concerned but yet something about felt different.

"I didn't know all that... I'll admit, I was watching you for a long while but I never even realized how they were towards you. I'm sorry you had to go through that alone." Jack sympathized

"I wasn't always alone. I had my friend with me at times when I really needed him." I smiled up at Jack. After a few seconds we start walking again and the mansion comes into our view.  I open the front door of the mansion and head towards Slenders office with Jack following me. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

"Come in" Jack opens the door for me and we both walk inside the office.

"Sir, my parents are dead. My mother was asleep in our home, in her room, my father was with his mistress. I didn't kill the woman but instead kept her asleep." I pause and pull out the solution I had jack inject into the woman, "I had Jack inject her with this while I took care of the bastard who is sadly my father." I also showed Slender the poison I used on him.

"Very interesting. I've never seen such concoctions before." Slender said surprised

"Yes well, they are of my own making." I state calmly.

"Jack, could you please show Auburn to our spare room please? And do make sure she is as comfortable as possible." Slender then dismissed us out the office. Upon leaving I accidentally ran into someone with a white female-like mask and yellow jacket.

"My apologies, I didn't see you there." I apologized.

"Thats alright. What's you're name?" The masked man asked me I told him my name and asked the same question. "Name's Masky. But to some I go by Tim." He revealed.

"Auburn, follow me to where you'll be staying." Jack interrupts and I nod my head.

"I'll see you around, Masky." I called out and followed Jack close as to not get lost. While we walk up a staircase, to- my guess- where the rooms are.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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