Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Kodie's POV

I had to get away, so I ran. I ran from my problems, I ran from the monstrous person that I love, I ran away from everything.

I let the coward side of me out as it was unbearable for me to keep it in. I ran as fast as my pair of legs could take me while the strong gust of air slapped my tortured, fragile body as I weakened and weakened, eventually slowing down, struggling to keep my breathing in sync. I slowly looked around and took in my surroundings immediately noticing that I was in the middle of nowhere in this abandoned, secluded street where no sound was heard apart from my ragged breathing and no soul to be seen. I glanced around the area once again in this exhilarating night and I noticed the trees vigorously dancing with the energetic wind while the rain attacked everything in its path; each raindrop clung onto my now soaked clothes as if it was to drag me down to the dirty ground.

I stood there in immense darkness with no light to be seen, not even the reflection of the shining moon nor the twitching lampposts that was once dimly lit. Suddenly. I heard a wavering sound out of nowhere. I could feel him coming for me again. Unexpectedly, I heard my name being shouted, then whispered as I could feel his presence get nearer. Have I finally gone crazy and lunatic? If I could feel his presence then why could I not see? Shivers ran down my spine unwantedly as I tried to succumb to the possibility of me dying. All of a sudden, a hand with a funny smelling cloth clamped onto my mouth and nose roughly blocking out the scream that was about to come out, while a small, yet sharp knife pressed onto my perishing, pale cheeks. Then a familiar voice growled into my ear, "It's naughty to run away from your family ko-.."  

I didn't hear what else he had to say, for I let my heavy eyelids close and darkness overtook my mind.

I woke up unsteadily, opening and closing my eyes to get used to the bright light seeping in through the thick, blue curtains. I looked around briefly and I felt a vague sense of familiarity in this room, but not knowing why. I looked around again, but this time I took my time to survey each detail in this room. A floor-length mirror shattered next to the dusty windows, an opened door which I guess is a walk in closet, the purple cracked walls decorated with pictures but missing faces, the door decorated with basketball photos of players from the NBA and fashion covers from vogue loosely hung from my wall. I stood up, feeling a bit dizzy grasping onto the dusty midnight blue bed sheets I, seconds ago just laid in. A smashed 42 inched flat screen TV was abandoned on this wooded floor, I gasped! Shocked that I didn't notice this before. This room was my room. This room was the room I grew up it. Well, not literally but this was where my childhood took place.

This is not happening.


I could smell a foul smell, but not knowing where it came from. I could see dust floating around freely and then my mind came to me, remembering the outcome of last night where I ran and he caught up with me. 

Of course he would catch up; he's way faster and a lot more energetic than I am. I really didn't think my plan through. I took a mental note to myself that I should always think things through instead of deciding my actions spontaneously. But that's what kept me alive all these years hasn't it? Thinking on the spot, to get away from this horrendous monster.

I felt sick to my stomach knowing that I am once again under this monster's control. My head pounding as if it was trying to run out and my heart beating loudly like drums. I snorted unladylike- lowly laughing at myself. When did I get this dramatic? I sighed, this was no time to talk to myself. I snorted again, really? What is up with me! I had more important things to do than inhumanly talk to my broken self.

How long has It been since I have seen this house? This was no home of mine. This was simply just a building with gusts of air freely roaming around each room, holding both idyllic and horrific memories.

I walked up to half-broken large window and memories came flooding back to me. I remember everything that has happened and with each information and memory processed into my head, my heart shattered into little pieces. I closed my eyes and let the memories hover in my mind. I could remember my mom's beautiful smile while she swung Kieran; my older brother, and I gently on the swings in the front lawn. Laughing and looking genuinely happy. Her light chocolate skin matching my very own skin; her light brown, thick curly hair swaying and cascading down her back while Kieran and I giggled with her. Her light hazel eyes glistening as the sun's rays castes upon us, seeing the warmth and love through my mothers eyes made me the happiest little girl ever as I stared at her in awe and adoration.

I heard the door creak open which brought me out of my trance, smiling at the mental picture in my head of my mother. But the moment I looked up, I flared my nose up disgustingly and the warmth that was once in my eyes rapidly turned into pure hate and anger then cold and emotionless as this man in stood in front of me was responsible for the heartbreak and sorrow I had to live through for the past 6 years.

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I know it's short, but this is my first time ever writing a story, so I was hoping whether you could tell me whether to carry on with the story or not.. 

Any comment would be appreciated :)

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