Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kodie's POV

This man in front of me was execrable. I shuddered at the thought of his immoral fingers touching even a strand of hair on my body. I looked and examined his face, he still looks the same as I seem him 6 years ago with his same blonde, tousled hair with sky blue eyes standing out from his naturally tanned skin. His evil smile making me squirm in the inside yet I stayed strong to mask my emotions in my physical form. His eyes were glinting with numerous emotions, from excited, nervous, anger, playful, tired to pain and regret. I continued to stare at him confusingly, pain and regret vanished from his eyes as quickly as it came. I wondered why he felt pain, does he finally regret what happened? No. It couldn't be! He is a cold-hearted, monstrous, wicked man with iniquity running through his blood.

Each and every memory lapsed through my mind making me unconsciously glare daggers at him. If looks could kill, he would've dropped dead the second my hazel eyes laid on his face. His blue eyes narrowing and watching me vulture-like, carefully taking in every tiny detail he could get.

About 15 minutes had passed from the stare down we had accomplished yet I hadn't made a motive to speak or move and neither did he. We were both glued into our spots still waiting for the other to make the first move. I looked into his eyes and again, and this time I noticed some thing completely different. His sky-like eyes were now distant and dull, with no life basked inside him; his eyebags portraying that he hadn't slept properly in ages. His broadened shoulders were semi-slumped but still had the confident posture. His 6ft3 height easily towered over my small 5ft6 height. I snapped my eyes back to his face, yet a smirk formed on his mouth knowing that I was studying him with my eyes the way he was studying me. I involuntarily stepped forward to tell him I wasn't scared of him anymore and nor was I going to take shit from him ever again.

His smirk grew wider as he tauntingly said, "My, my, my, you've grown into a beautiful young lady haven't you Kodie?"

"Cut out the shit John. What do you want?", I spat venomously.

"That's no nice way to say your greeting to a very important family member Ko", was John's reply.

His smirk kept getting wider and wider, was that even possible? I closed my eyes and held the bridge of my nose to calm me down. I drew out a long breath and hissed out, "What.Do.You.Want.From.Me.", making sure to pronounce each syllable as clear as I could.

He looked at me with amusement in his eyes and sarcastically chirped, "Oh, you know! I've just missed you so much for the past 6 years that I just had to see you again", but then quickly whispered huskily, "Touch your soft body again."

I tore my eyes away from him and settled it on the dusty, cluttered carpet. I felt defeated. I felt disgusting. I felt dirty. Lastly, I felt cheap.

I couldn't let him see me vulnerable, I couldn't let him control me again. I will not let that happen. I am not that same girl he raped, abused and damaged. I am strong. I gazed up to him again, yet to only realize that he was getting closer and closer. I quickly masked all my emotions again and just stood there with dead, dull eyes. It took me 5 fucking years to get over this mentally, to get over every vile and malicious acts he has done to me. Yet my childhood and past seem to always catch up.

".... Little bitch listen to me", John spat angrily which stopped me in the middle of thinking in my mind. I stood up a little straighter and smirked then replied, 

"What was that? My bad, guess you weren't important enough to listen to."

He slapped me roughly on my left, now red cheek once I said the last word of my sentence. No doubt that his fingers would be printed on the left side of my face. To say I wasn't expecting this was an understatement! I laughed, but my laughter lacked of humor. Now is not the time to laugh, I scolded myself, but I couldn't seem to stop. This man was the reason why I had no family left. This man was the reason to why I was dead in the inside. Not only did he take my family, but this monster took my virginity, my dignity and my soul. I would never forgive my self for letting him do such cruel and unforgiving acts, only I was to blame.

He pulled me up by my brown curly hair and slapped me twice as harder in my right cheek. That slap stung like a motherfucking bee! He grabbed by my shoulders and held me up to his face so that my forhead was now incontact with his defined nose. My eyes became blurry as tears were swarming infront of my pupils, but none slid down my bruised cheeks.

I didn't deserve any of this. It was time to stand up to him, time to fight back. I pulled my head back and smashed it into his nose which earned him a crack on the nose which lead to a heavy nose bleed. Red, thick blood pouring out like rain from his broken nose. His right, dry hand jolted up to his nose and nursed it while he snarled aggravated, "You, no good piece of shit. Look at what the fuck you have done! You ungrateful son of a-" 

I cut him off with a hard kick where the sun don't shine, he instantly dropped to ground on his knees with his left hand nursing his private area. I took that chance to flee out of this haunting house. I ran straight to the closest door of exit which was the back door, but t'was locked. I hurriedly ran to the front door and pried it open, my two feet successfully out of the door I prepared to bolt out, but my wrist was caught by a hand roughly jerking me backwards into a hard chest, inaudibly whispering, "You thought I would let you go that easily huh? Tut, you'll be paying for the damage you have done today."

I squirmed out of his grasp and spat in his face and kicked him even harder this time in his private area rapidly dropping to the ground for the second time. I fled away from the house, I fled away from the memories and I fled away from that monster.

I bolted and ran as fast as I could without stopping until eventually I had to stop to meet the demand of my aching and pained legs to stop, which I completely ignored before. I stood infront of a shop window, I stared at my revolting, ugly reflection and willed myself not to cry at everything that had happened. I've not cried for over 4 years. I've learnt that crying will not solve anything, it only shows weakness and unnecessary attention. But yet a traitor tear swam down my brutally slapped cheeks which made me hate myself even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2013 ⏰

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