Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Five had been away from his family for some time now. Not that it really mattered to him, sure he was trapped in a young body, but he was older than he looked, he'd lived life and knew how it goes, his family was safe and thats all that mattered, and he'd much rather be alone now. He did what it took to survive, stayed on the move, did some odd jobs for money and stole when he had to, people didn't really interest him anymore, unless of course they had something he wanted, and currently? No one did. But that would soon change.

Five looked outside the window of the abandoned building he was currently staying in, the street was completely deserted, and this wasn't some sleepy town, this was New York City, and something was definitely wrong. On the bright side though, no one was around to see Five use his powers either, and in the blink of an eye he effortlessly performs a spacial jump and appears on the street below in a blue flash. Theres still no one around, which isn't all that surprising as the whole teleportation thing takes less than a second.

Five looks up and down the street, homes, stores, restaurants and bars are all completely closed up, without another living soul in sight. Five was wearing jeans, sneakers and a hoodie, there was no point wearing the academy uniform anymore, and besides regular clothes helped him blend in more in situations like this. Or at least they would, if there was anyone to blend in with. After a solid 5 minutes of not seeing any movement on the street, Five begins spacial jumping randomly all over the area, just trying to find someone, anyone within a mile radius. But still, no one.

Suddenly, the moment Five materialises from yet another jump, a pair of strong hands grab his shoulders, and another set of hands slaps a collar around his neck, which has an audible click as it locks. Five attempts to use his powers to escape, but nothing happens, no teleportation, no flash, not even a simple glow. He looks at his captors, a 6ft2 muscular male, and a 5ft8 average teen girl, the only similarities connecting them are the blank expressions they both share, and the pale pink irises in their eyes. Using every ounce of his devestating brilliance, and true genius level IQ, Five eluoquently states "Fuck." and then everything goes blank.

Five awakens strapped to a bed in nothing but his boxers, his arms and legs restrained, and the collar blinking gently, absorbing his powers before he can use them to escape.

"This is just my luck. And give me back my clothes before I rip whatever genitalia you have clean from your body before very slowly killing you." Five says, his voice full of malice and contempt for his situation. Theres no response for a few minutes. Followed by the sound of a door slowly creaking open, at which Five can't stop himself from rolling his eyes at the cliche. "If you're going to murder me, do it quickly, I don't want to have to listen to your gorilla feet clack clack clack against the floorboards."

Theres a faint laugh in the darkness "You're cute. In the rude, patronising skinny fuck kind of way. Listen, I know villian rants go on forever, so I'll just cut to the chase. I'm going to take control of you, and make you my little slut, and basically do whatever I want with that cute body and genius mind" They say smugly, before a strap wraps tightly around Five's mouth, preventing him from responding.

"Now you're probably thinking some pretty rude things right now, but also some questions right? So here are your answers, My name is Gray, I have the power to control minds. I bet your next question is something like 'How does this dick know who I am?' Well everyone knew the umbrella academy, but that was before my time, instead I know you from your comission files, and from watching your little adventures."

Gray steps out of the shadows and into the light, revealing his features, the neat pastel blue hair, the black leather bodysuit, the domino mask, bright pink eyes, and the white teeth, glinting as he smirks at Five looking angry on the bed, tied up and gagged, almost naked, just in his underwear, and vaguely afraid, his grunting muffled by the gag firmly around his mouth.

"So Five, lets begin your programming."

Hello! I'm not sure if anyone is actually reading this, but if you are I hope you enjoyed! Smut begins in the next chapter so be warned! Speaking of the next chapter, I've already started writing it :)

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