Chapter 2- The Programming

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Gray steps closer to Five, and caresses his cheek with his fingerless gloves. He seems slightly older than Five, at least physically, and his body could almost be described as Hollywood perfection. He picks up a pair of 1950s style glasses from a nearby table.

"Some people are resistant to my control, It doesn't work as well with those who are especially intelligent, and unfortunately you fall into that bracket

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"Some people are resistant to my control, It doesn't work as well with those who are especially intelligent, and unfortunately you fall into that bracket. But I do have a solution! You see a while back the comission started an expirement. The idea was simple, what if threats to the timeline could be controlled, and turned into assets. Of course it didn't work. But I've found that with my powers, and my drugs, the glasses can be quite...effective" he grins, putting the glasses on Five.

Next he turns around, back to the table and picks up a syrienge and bottle "Hope you don't mind the chemical cocktail Five, it might sting a little at first" He plunges the needle into the bottle, and withdraws the transparent liquid "But once you're used to it, it'll feel great. Anyway lets discuss more important things, like aesthetics. I was a little disapointed you've moved on from the schoolboy look Five. Maybe we'll go back to it, or a soccer player, the possibilities are endless" He chuckles as he slowly inserts the syrienge into Five's arm, depositing the drug and then removing it, carefully placing a little circular band-aid over the injection site.

Finally, Gray snaps his fingers. From the outside, the glasses look completely normal, but from Five's perspective beautiful pink spirals consume his vision.

It doesn't take long for the glasses to become effective

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It doesn't take long for the glasses to become effective. After 3 minutes Five has completely stopped moving, no longer trying to break free of his restraints. His eyes glassy and distant, a little bit of drool escaping from his lips.

Gray continues his smug smirk, before completing the final steps, and putting some antique looking headphones on Five.

Gray is honestly kind of shocked this is going so easily? The glasses are making Five tranced and suggestible, while the headphones continually brainwash and program him

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Gray is honestly kind of shocked this is going so easily? The glasses are making Five tranced and suggestible, while the headphones continually brainwash and program him. Knowing that Five is....incapacitated, Gray cuts through the restraints, they won't be needed anymore.

Five looks hot on the bed, deeply entranced and enthralled, and Gray can't help himself. He gets on the bed next to Five, and begins to rub Five's bulge through his black boxers. Before pulling them off Five, revealing his rock hard 6 inch dick, leaking with precum from the brainwashing.

After an hour, Five slowly removes his headphones, and then his glasses. He sits up, his nude feet touch the floor, and he stands up perfectly straight. One arm tight by his side, the other hand forming a perfect salute, his expression calm, and still ever so slightly blank "Five reporting for duty, SIR!".

Gray grins "Go get your uniform Five, then get back here immediately"

"Yes Sir!" Five dissapears in a blue flash, and reappears with the same flash about 30 seconds later, still naked, but now with his umbrella academy uniform in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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