In The Words Of Oskar N. Reteep/Avengers On The Wrong Chat

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[Leeli, Janner, Kalmar, Nia Igiby Wingfeather, Eben Wingfeather, Artham P. Wingfeather, Podo Helmer, Clara, and Oskar N. Reteep have logged on]

Clara: Hey everybody, how ya'll doing today????

Leeli: I'm great. What about you?

Clara I'm doing wonderful. Got all my homework done for the weekend! : )

Janner: I'm pretty good. And you have homework?

Clara: I had homework. I finished it yesterday.

Janner: Oh, okay.

Kalmar: I'm doing fabulous :)

Nia: Doing great. All housework done and out of the way!

Esben: I'm doing wonderful. That sailing yesterday was amazing!

Artham: Yeah, it sure was!

Podo: Me doing fine as a ridgerunner when he sees fruit!

Oskar: In the words of Snipulous the Fruiteror, "I couldn't be better than a belly full 'o' bibes!"

Clara: And in the words of...............oh, I don't know, "That's wonderful!!!"

Oskar: I believe that's the old Carl de Carl of Dang. *said very thoughtfully*

Clara: Oh. I had no idea that someone specific actually said that. I was kinda just gonna make something up because you always are saying, in the words of so and so, "blah blah blah"


[Zouzab Koit has logged on]

Zouzab: Way to leave the old man speechless Clara :)

Clara: Thanks fruit brain.

[Mobrik has logged on]

Mobrik: He is not a fruit brain!!! So back off stranger!!!

Zouzab: Yah! I'm not a fruit brain!

Clara: Well, it's pretty close. You're both obsessed with fruit.

Mobrik: Are not!

Artham: This is an epic conversation :)

Clara: Then how did Janner manage to bribe you with fruit to help you escape?

Janner: Yah! Prove that ridgerunner!

Mobrik: I didn't know he was trying to escape! Otherwise I wouldn't have helped him!

Clara: Yah yah, he had fruit so obviously you just couldn't resist *eye roll*

Mobrik: Oh phooey

[Slarb has logged on]

Slarb: Hello guyssssss. Nicccccce argumenttt

Clara: Thanks lizard brain. Perhaps you like to come visit me at my place with a high of 37° Fahrenheit?

Slarb: No thanksssss. That's cold. *starts chattering*

Nia: Who let Sloop onto the chat?

Podo: It's Slarb, Nia.

Nia: Sloop, Slarb, whatever. Just who let him on?

Artham: Himself

Nia: What!

Artham: This chat is open to everyone in any world, galaxy, or universe.

Nia: Why?

Artham: Because I don't know how to make it so it's just certain people.

Nia: Oh

[Steve Rogers had logged on]

Steve: Has anyone seen my shield?

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