The Beginning

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[Leeli, Kalmar/Tink, Janner, and Nugget have entered the chatroom]

Leeli: Who came up with the idea of a chatroom? This is SO neat!!!

Kalmar/Tink: I don't know. It wasn't me. Maybe it was Janner?

Janner: Nope, it wasn't me. But I agree with Leeli, this IS neat!

Nugget (after the water from the First Well): WOOF!

Leeli: Really Nugget? HE came up with it?

Nugget: Woof woof

Leeli: Wow!

Janner and Kalmar: WHO?

Leeli: Uncle Artham

Janner and Kalmar: Really?

Leeli: That's what Nugget said

[Artham P. Wingfeather has entered the chatroom]

Artham: Hello, I see you three or should I say you four since Nugget's here too, found the chatroom.

Leeli: Yeah we did. It's really neat. How did you do it?

Artham: I have no idea. I kind of did it on accident while I was trying to create an account for something else, but that didn't work and I made this instead.

Kalmar: Oh. But hey, I'm glad you made it!

Artham: Thank you

[Podo Helmer has entered the chatroom]

Podo: Hello, me family. How are ye doing? And this here chatroom thing is pretty neat. Who came up with it?

Janner: We're doing great grandpa. Uncle Artham made it, but he doesn't know how.

Podo: Oh, neat

[Nia Igiby Wingfeather and Esben Wingfeather have entered the chatroom]

Nia: Hello. This chatroom thing is pretty neat.

Kalmar: Is it just me or does everybody say that?

Leeli: It's not just you.

Esben: It is neat though. And you really have no idea how you made it, Artham?

Artham: Nope

Esben: Oh, so you just accidentally made it?

Artham: Yes, and I'm pretty sure I already said that.

Esben: Oh, whatever I wasn't on this chat yet.

Artham: Then how did you know that I made this chat and had no idea how I did it?

Esben: I read that part

Artham: But you didn't read the part where I said I made the chat on accident, which wasn't too far down from the part that you supposedly read?

Esben: ..........

Kalmar: Oh burn, papa

Esben: You stay out of this Kal!!!

Kalmar: Fine

[The Florid Sword has entered the chatroom]

F.S.: Aha!! Ti's the Florid Sword I am!! I am here to fight thee filthy Fangs!!! Avast, be thou gone alreadyest thy vile villains? I seest no one but some Wingfeathers, a Helmer, and a giant black dog!!!

Artham: Well hello Gammon. I see you found the chatroom I made on accident and I have no clue how I did it in case you're wondering.

F.S.: Ah, Artham Wingfeather, a pleasureth it is to seest thee again.

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