Chapter 9

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 They sat with Amy until her father walked into the room an hour later. He recognized Charlie from previous visits and knew Elizabeth from his wife's description. He lifted her up off her feet in a humongous bear hug, tears streaming down his face. "I don't know how we'll ever repay you for this, but if there's anything we can ever do for you and it's in our power, you just name it."

"Just keeping Amy safe, healthy and happy is repayment enough for me." She'd told him.

He'd then turned and thanked Charlie for bringing an angel into their lives. They stayed a little while longer before they finally said their goodbyes.

Charlie couldn't stop herself from staring at the amazing woman sitting across from her as she drove home. She'd invited Elizabeth over for the get together she was having that night at her loft. She told her that she was the guest of honor. It was as she watched Madaline cling to her in gratitude that Charlie knew she was definitely in love with her.

Elizabeth felt truly happy for the first time in a long time. She was inspired.

"I'm going to call my attorney first thing in the morning to find out how I can start an organization to give grants to children like Amy. Like all of those children we saw today. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I am." Elizabeth nodded enthusiastically.

"I'd love to help, to be a part of it any way I can."" Charlie smiled at her.

"You can be my partner!" Elizabeth exclaimed getting excited all over again at the idea.

"Your partner huh?" Charlie looked at her, more turned on by Elizabeth than ever.

"Yes. It'll be wonderful. I can pick my mother's brain for fund raising ideas. It'll be so fun and so much more rewarding." She sat back feeling as though she'd finally found her goal in life.


Elizabeth was finally introduced to Charlie's large group of friends as they crowded into her huge living room. Charlie was so proud of her as she told her friends how generous Elizabeth had been that afternoon. All of her friends were kind and charming and made Elizabeth feel at ease.

She was shocked when everyone walked in the door with some kind of large bottle of liquor or another in each hand. Elizabeth could tell this was going to be one hell of a night and she was excited. They had ten boxes of pizza delivered, which was gone in less than thirty minutes. They watched "Better than Chocolate" like they did every major get together. Elizabeth smiled as they all spoke the dialogue along with the actors. She blushed and averted her eyes when Kim and Maggie had their love scene covered in paint and then again as Maggie's brother slept in the living room while they made love in the sectioned off area.

She got up and poured herself another drink at that point, trying to ignore the moisture between her legs. She didn't notice, but everyone kept sneaking glances at her and Charlie all evening trying to catch the sparks that were undeniable between the two.

Things really got interesting when the movie ended and they began the drinking games. First they played a game called "Drink Motherfucker Drink". Basically each person picked a random name like 'table' or 'vagina' as their first name. The first person to go starts with "the queen of whores has shit her drawers, and 'vagina' shit has to clean them". The person's who's name has been called has to say "bullshit?" The first person says "who shit?" Then a second person says a different name and so until someone messes up and then everyone yells "Drink Motherfucker Drink" until the person who messed up chugs their whole drink. Finally the person who messed up then has to start the queen of whores rhyme again.

Elizabeth was never a heavy drinker so by the time they got around to taking turns at playing "Bullshit" she couldn't even walk straight. Finally she had to call it quits if she wanted to stay conscious. Charlie wasn't much better herself as she plopped down on the couch facing her as the last of her guest left shortly before 3:00 am. "I can't believe I let those bitches trash my place again." She stated as she looked around her now dirty home.

Elizabeth giggled. "I'll help you clean up ... as soon as I can get up!"

Charlie laughed with her as she watched her sprawled out on her white couch, which seriously needed to be cleaned after tonight. Elizabeth's golden hair was spread out around her like a halo. "You know, tonight is the first time I've seen you with your hair down." Charlie commented. Elizabeth managed to propped herself up on her elbows, but only smiled in response. "I like it. You look sexy."

Charlie chewed on her bottom lip as her eyes raked Elizabeth's curvaceous frame splayed out in front of her like an all you can eat buffet. Her emotions were running rampant from the alcohol and all she could think about was tasting Elizabeth's luscious lips. She watched as the blushed spread across her cheeks.

Elizabeth lowered her gaze, not knowing how to answer or even sure if she could her, heart was racing so fast in her chest. She felt the couch shift and when she raised her eyes Charlie was there pressing her lips to hers. She was so surprised that she opened her mouth to speak and Charlie's tongue slipped inside, then she forgot everything except the feel of the other woman pressing down on her and the lingering taste of Absinthe as their tongues dueled.

Charlie was on fire as she gently nipped at Elizabeth's lips and sucked on her tongue; both of their hands were every where. All that could be heard in the silence was moaning and the wet sounds from their kisses. Charlie maneuvered herself between Elizabeth's legs and began to grind her pelvis against her center which sent shivers of ecstasy through the other woman's body as she kissed her back fervently. She impatiently unsnapped the button snaps on the front of Elizabeth's shirt in one rough tug and pushed her bra up exposing her ruby red nipples before she took the right one in her mouth flicking her tongue teasingly across the tightened flesh.

Elizabeth whimpered as she clung to her while sensations she'd never felt assaulted her being. At first she couldn't form rational thoughts let alone remember her own name as Charlie unbuttoned her off white Capri's and slid her hand inside, slipping past the lacy material of her underwear to find Elizabeth's pleasure pearl. As Charlie applied pressure, making small circles on her clit, Elizabeth bucked against her and moaned louder into Charlie's mouth as she teetered on the verge of an orgasm.

Then her father's scowling face appeared in her minds eye and she knew that if he could see her now he'd be beyond furious. Fear, lust, confusion and passion coursed through her. She pushed Charlie off of her as she scurried up off the couch. "This is a mistake. I can't do this." She cried with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Wait, Elizabeth, please don't be mad. I couldn't stop myself." Charlie tried to explain as she stood up from the couch as well, flipping her hair out of her face.

Elizabeth quickly began fixing her clothes as she backed away from her shaking her head. "I can't do this." Elizabeth repeated blind from her tears.

"Yes you can. I know you want me just as much as I want you. Just give me a chance." Charlie fought to hold back her own tears.

Elizabeth shook her head more adamantly as she thought of how her parents would react if they ever knew what she'd done. "I can't see you anymore." She made her way towards the door.

Charlie's heart nearly stopped as she heard those words. "Please don't say that. I'm sorry. I know I was out of line, but I'm crazy about you." Charlie followed her to the door.

"Don't say that! We can't do this, don't you understand that? I have to go."

"I'll give you a ride home then."

"No! I'll catch a taxi or something." Elizabeth wrenched the heavy door open and pulled away from her, dashing down the hall and to the stairs.

"Would you wait?!" Charlie called after her, but she was gone. "God!" Charlie exclaimed as she punched the door frame as tears escaped. She sniffled, angrily wiping them away as she went back inside. She mentally berated herself as she looked around her empty loft feeling just as bare. She leaned against the door as a sob racked her body. Running her fingers through her hair, she slid down the metal door and let herself cry.

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