Getting there chapter 1

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Getting there

It was early on march 12th and Becky was dreading the day. She had tried talking to her aunt and cousin Zoey about  letting her stay home or just having them not go to this stupid vidcon thingy but nothing had worked. "UGH" Becky moaned rolling outa bed. The clock next to her bed had bright green numbers blinking 6:35 on it.

Oh well at least going to this vidcon thingy or whatever means I get outa going to school Becky thought as she threw on a sweater and heading downstairs.

Her aunt and cousin Zoey were already in the kitchen fully dressed and with a bunch of suitcases surrounding their chairs as they ate breakfast. Zoey practically dropped her spoonful of cereal when she saw Becky. "Becky where's your bag? Why aren't you dressed ? Omg do u know we have to leave by 7 to catch our flight to cali and get to vidcon!" Zoe franticly bombarded Becky with questions.

What an annoying cousin I have like damn. I can't wait til we move to cali and I get to live with Jaida and not Zoey.

Becky had been staying with Zoey and her aunt Amy for the past 6 months while her parents were off doing their work abroad. But Jaida, Her other cousin had invited Becky to move in with her while Zoey and her mom, becky's aunt got settled in cali when they moved, and honestly, if Becky had to spend another week with Zoey's constant chatter she was going to die.

The morning passed in a rush and somehow Becky arrived on the plane without lifting a finger.  Although, Zoey hadn't stopped talking about all the youtubers she wanted to meet there was this kid named Johnnie she wouldn't stop talking about and then there e was Tyler Oakley and Andrea russet and the list went on and on. Auntie couldn't handle it so she had Zoey sit next to Becky and that would have been misery but Becky tuned her out with earbuds in for the whole flight.

On the flight Becky fell sleep and woke up in in some strange bed, a really nice bed but a strange bed.  She looked around to her right was another bed about the size of a queen size bed and then there was a hall way to the left and a door right at the front. It seemed like Becky was in a hotel room. Huh? Becky thought getting out of the bed.

This is so weird beck thought as she hopped off the bed seeing her duffel bag by the knight sand. Her duffel bag was folded up and looked completely empty. Why isn't aunties suitcase or Zoe's suitcase and bags of everything she brought in here, or anything of Zoe's anywhere in sight? Considering how messy she is.

Becky was about to start seriously considering the possibly and likelihood of when out of nowhere someone tackled her landing them both back on the bed. Then came a squealy high pitched voice Becky knew too well.
"yay!!!!!!!!! You're up!! I'm so happy!! U slept all day!! I bet you were up all night texting weren't you!!??"  Zoey was always so energetic but she had really good intuition.

Becky pushed Zoey off her and sat up, "yeah kinda I was up til like 515 maybe 530 textin.. But I so did not sleep all day!" Becky said looking in her back pocket and grabbing her phone.  It read 6:35pm Becky gasped "really? Did I really sleep like all day? 12 whole hours?" Zoey laughed "no silly more like 8hrs bc it took us like 1hour to get outa the house and 30 mins to the air port about another 30 mins to get on the plane then we were on the plane for an hour b4 u found ur ear buds and put them in and an another hour b4 u started leaning on me." Normally all those details would have annoyed Becky but now all they did was make her hungry.   "so where are we? And what are our plans tonight?"  She asked standing up
and getting off the bed yet again.  Zoey, happier than ever, jumped up after Becky. Doing so made her nearly 6 inches shorter. "we're in the same hotel as most of like, all the youtuers!! And there's a party like at 7 or something and we can meet people and we get to go cuz I'mma youtuber and yeas!! And I have all the next 5 days planed out!!! We're gonna have sooooo much fun! Oh Becky you can come even tho ur not a youtuber and mom said I can only go if you go too!! Btw she is staying at Jaida's she'll be here tomorrow tho! Oh please, please, please say you'll come!! " Zoey said looking up at Becky excitedly. Becky rolled her eyes what else was she gonna do anyway? "So is there gonna be food at this party or are we gonna pick some up?" Zoey squealed "oh I promise you'll have fun!! And there's gonna be plenty of food!!!! We need to get ready!!!!!" oh no, what did I just agree to Becky thought. 

After being told Becky couldn't go in her sweats she changed into tight jeans that had rips in the knees and a black shirt that read in red teenagers scare the living shit outa me. Then Becky straightened her hair and put on some eyeliner after hearing zoey say that she would cry if Becky didn't look at least halfway nice. After Becky had finished packing her bag Zoey silly wasn't' t done getting ready. "Zoey I'm sure you look gorgeous can we please go now?" A sigh cam from down the hall then out walk zoey from a door that Becky guessed would be the bathroom, she was Waring a yellow dress that went to her knees it had short selves with a white flower belt. she had on short lace up white boots with half an inch heals and wore her hair tied up in white and yellow rebinds which made her light brown hair and brilliant green eyes make her look like a doll. they both gasped seeing each others outfits Zoey in horror and Becky in amazement.  After they both complained about eachothers cothes an how Zoey looked to nice and Becy didnt look nice enough they decided to leave without changing.

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