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" 汚れちゃった感情に



もう汚い触らないで "


⊱―――― ▫ ▫ ――――⊰

July 4th, 2017

Hanagaki Takemichi and Tachibana Naoto was on the detective's office, the ravenette currently sitting on the chair while the officer helped himself a cup of coffee, sitting on one of the many desk his office had.

The two had discussed what the twenty six years old's ability was. Being able to travel back in time was beyond something that Tachibana Naoto could explain, but that was not important right now, right now, they need to discuss on how they will be able to save Tachibana Hinata ― the detective's sister and Hanagaki Takemichi's former girlfriend back on middle school.

"Takemichi-kun, There is someone that you need to meet other than Sano Manjiro." Naoto stood up, his face turning more serious. Takemichi raised a brow, but nodded as he knows that the detective knows what he's doing.

"I want you to meet '[Last Name] [Male Name]'." Takemichi furrowed his brow at the familiar name, wondering where he had heard that name before. Naoto walked on the desk, Takemitchi standing and going to the side as Naoto sat down, clicking a new tab on the computer and typing letters.

"And who is this '[Last Name] [Male Name]', Naoto?"

After moments, a file appeared, but it was all blurry and lines over crossed each other; looking like something had glitched and the computer was open. Naoto typed again, ignoring Takemichi's surprised and gaping face.

The screen became black. Before a skull  ― one of a dead person, came to view with bold kanji letters just below it.

"Close the curtains Takemichi-kun, lights off and door close." Takemichi hesitated but did as what he was told, closing the curtains, the door and the light off. The only source of light was the computer's radiation and what's it's emitting. Takemichi gripped the chair, feeling uneasiness settling down.

Naoto inhales, before pressing the 'enter' button and both was startled when a laughing noise came out of the computer  ― A man's laughing, and clapping as a background music.

"Well done, human. I'll give you credits on how much time you've spent on finding this file."

Naoto looked agitated, flinching at the deep voice, Takemichi not doing any better.

"Then, as a welcoming gift, You'll be given a hundred million yen on each of your bank accounts. Until midnight, if none comes, then one of my men will come and hand it to you personally."

Takemichi's eyes widened, not knowing what to respond.

Was the man really giving them a hundred million yen? Each of them? Naoto glared at the screen, slamming his hands down on the desk.

"I don't care about money, What I'm here for is information about [Last Name] [Male Name]."

It became silent, making both of the two more uneasy. Chuckling reached their ears and a rustling of papers.

"Answer my question, Mr. detective, And I shall grant your request."

Naoto and Takemichi looked at each other, asking the opposite silently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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