Chapter Two

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SOS Miss Rihanna

Jimin felt the member's fingers around his wrist like the hand print was branding into his skin. He didn't know what to do - they weren't supposed to touch the pledges. It was the rules, they were assured that much by SADA's recruitment officers.

The masked member let go with a flourish, leaning back into his chair and patting the couch next to him.

Could Jimin speak? Would he get in trouble? Talking with Taehyung was one thing, talking with an upperclassmen during Chapter was another.

Jimin heard his mom crying in the back of his head, yelling at his father for letting Jimin apply to Seoul Fine Arts in the first place. He couldn't mess this up, getting into SADA would mean his mom wouldn't have to worry so much - he'd basically be guaranteed a career.

"It's okay, no one will say anything. I'm giving you permission." Said the SADA member.

Jimin shifted his feet.

"I'm going to want more to drink, it's easier if you sit next to me, pretty boy." The masked member said again, shifting forward in his chair. Those copper eyes burning as they slid oh so so slowly down Jimin's full cheeks to his pale neck and down his black dress shirt, lingering just a little further down, before tracing his eyes back up. "And you never know, I might pay you back for your service later. Depends how good you treat me."

Jimin wanted to run, his mind was crying for it. But his feet wouldn't move.

Another pledge in an identical black suit was suddenly at Jimin's back. It felt like the sun had been burning his neck and suddenly shade was thrown over it.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Hoseok has been going crazy, we really pissed him off when we dropped all those glasses. Come on before he kicks us out of rushing." The stranger glanced over at the silver masked member sitting on the couch, now sizing up on the other pledge in the same way he did Jimin before.

"Oh shit, right," Jimin stammered out, glancing back at the silver mask and starting to turn away. "I'm so sorry."

Jimin was surprised at the zero objection from the man before him, wondering now who Hoseok was to make the man sit fully back and look as disinterested as he should have been from the start. Maybe an exec board member? But Jimin thought he'd memorized all their names: Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Park Yoongi, Jackson Wang, LaLisa.

Jimin felt a gentle grip on his forearm pull him away from the couch and towards the pledge doors that split into either a parler or led outside. The stranger grabbed Jimin's platter and set Jimin's down; it was only then that Jimin noticed the pledge was empty handed. He didn't wait for Jimin to say anything before leading Jimin through the back door.

Jimin felt his phone buzz in his back pocket, guessing Taehyung had probably snuck off to the bathroom to check on him but Jimin's hands were shaking too bad to reach for it.

The cold air hit him hard, autumn had just swept away Seoul's crazy heat wave and at that moment Jimin thought he would kiss the wind itself he was so grateful. But his hands were still shaking despite the cold.

What had he gotten himself into? Busan was hours away and the people inside the too bougie SADA house was a world further. He could hear his mom in his ear, yelling and crying and he wasn't sure at one point if that was her voice or his own doubt.

Suddenly a pair of cold ass hands wrapped around Jimin's own. They were calloused and the knuckles tattooed with random letters, but they were steady and stopped the movement of Jimin's own. There was no pressure, no affection, just a wrench thrown in gears.

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