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(This is how I imagined Erik dying, and the reason for. Mostly cuz I wanna blame august in a way)

"Wilhelm just needs to find the right company"

"What? What do you mean by that august?"

Erik didn't understand, who could be at hillerska who isn't good company?

"Wilhelm hangs out with this boy, a non Rez"

"Okay..? What's the problem?"

"He's a non-rez Erik, he's a coloured boy, he's here under scholarship, that's not exactly who I want Wilhelm around"

"That's racist august, just because he's a non-boarder and coloured doesn't mean he's bad for Wilhelm, and if he's there under scholarship that obviously means he has good grades"

Erik was fuming with anger, who did august think he is?

"No erik just listen, I've seen a few um, observations, if you will."


"They were holding hands during the movie night, and then they disappeared into the fucking hallway together. Now wilhelms staying at hillerska after he had a conversation with that same boy? Put the fucking pieces together Erik"

"Oh my god, Wilhelm told me he had a crush but I didn't know it was a.... Boy"

Erik scratched the back of his neck nervously, this wouldn't go well with the queen.

"I have to go," he quickly hung up.

Erik had to warn wilhelm, to tell him that he can't be gay because of the monarchy. But how the fuck could he tell his little brother who has the biggest crush on this boy that they can't be together? Where is eriks right? Erik knew he couldn't tell Wilhelm, but he couldn't let Kristina tell him either.

Wilhelm deserved happiness, Erik knew that, and it was then that Erik decided that he would do anything to preserve wilhelms happiness.

His keys clanged together in his hand as he walked quickly to the garage, he looked down at the key fab before unlocking the car.

Little did he know that this car would be the reason He would die, the reason his mission would be incomplete, the reason his little brother would never get to have happiness with who he loved.

The wind in his hair felt amazing with the top down, he sped down the empty road as fast as possible, why buy a fast car if your afraid of the gas pedal? Wilhelms words rang in his head, he accelerated, going faster, hoping all of his problems would fly away in the wind.

His problems didn't disappear, but as the car crashed, the smoke developed him and his problems passed onto an unknowing Wilhelm.

He knew in the moment he felt an overwhelming heat surround him that he was going to die, he couldn't move, and he could barely breathe.

The world went dark for Erik as he felt his problems leave him, and the world went dark for Wilhelm when he discovered that his brother was dead.


Love you all


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