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Deep breaths. Stay alive. They won't kill you, They NEED you.

A blonde sat, curled up in a corner, his hair long and severely matted, several scars, cuts, gashes and bruises covered every inch of his body. A broken porcelain white mask lay on the ground across from him, its ever present smile taunting him with his own past. Quackity's last visit ended with the server admin's legs twisted in ways that were definitely not natural, a sharp broken bone poking through the scar tissue that covered his left leg. The tip of his index finger was missing, haphazardly bandaged up by the Warden to prevent him from bleeding to death, because that would be an inconvenience for the creeper hybrid to deal with. Dark circles were formed under his red bloodshot eyes, from many sleepless nights crying. At least, Dream thinks they were sleepless nights, after Sam had failed to replace his clock, time seemed to be unmoving, the only thing signaling a new day were the raw potatoes given to him each day... and Quackity's visitations.

The lack of sleep, blood loss and malnutrition made him delirious, sometimes he swore he heard that damn child's annoying voice. Did he blame Tommy for his misgivings? He wasn't sure anymore, all he knew is that everything was peaceful until he showed up. No wars. No fights. No... Prison.

One, two... three, four-

He tiredly watched the crying obsidian drip, counting each drop, although this was not only making him scarily aware of the time, but also extremely tired. He tried shifting his weight, but any slight move of his body sent waves of pain shooting throughout his entire body. He closed his eyes, and wished to be far... far away from this place.


"OHH DREAM!" One of his two closest friends called out, giggling manically. It was a classic game they often played, where one would try and complete a certain task as fast as possible, while the other two hunted them down. It was fun since it doubled as training and as play. Despite Puffy and Bad's hesitance due to the naturally violent nature of said game, the three boys loved it. More often than not, Dream would be the hunted, while George and Sapnap chased after him. Sometimes they won, sometimes he did, no matter the outcome, they never had hard feelings toward each other. After all, the Dream Team sticks together no matter what! "OH GEORGE! OH SAPNAP!" Dream giggled, finally managing to find the hidden flag, which was his task for this round of the game "Guess who won!"

"....Not you"

Dream's eyes widened at the new voice. No... not a new voice, a very familiar voice. But yet one he couldn't quite place. The sky seemed to darken quite quickly despite it being midday not too long ago. He looked around, He couldn't see his friends. Where did they go? didn't they want to celebrate his victory? He felt the ground rumble, where did Bad and Puffy go? Were they scared of the earthquake?....

an explosion was heard, and laughing... loud, loud laughing.


Dream's eyes shot wide open, his breathing panicky and unstable, he looked around. Same empty obsidian walls, same empty cell, same ever flowing lava.... he looked down at the cracked mask. The same mask. His heart hurt, beating so fast he felt like he was going to pass out, but he didn't want to, didn't want to slip into unconsciousness, not remembering was scary, but remembering was even scarier.

Then... something much scarier happened, something he dreaded everyday. The sound of familiar boots were heard, walking down the hall, towards his cell.

And at that moment, he wished he could go back to sleep, and never wake up.

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