Chapter 2 - Us against the world.

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(Shorter chapter)

Tommy awoke from his slumber groggily, hearing shuffling near his bag. He sat up immediately, but still quietly, before peering over the edge off the dumster to see a boy around his age.

He had brown hair, and two sets of horns. His eyes were amber and his ears weren't human, instead goat, or ram. It was difficult to see the difference. Scars were covering his face, looking like explosions. A ton of scars were on his neck and hands too.

The brunette kept looking behind him, and Tommy just noticed a tail poking out of his black pants.

"Why the fuck is it so difficult to get in this pocket?" Tommy heard the boy whisper-shout.

Tommy took in a silent breath. "Probably because it has a lock." He said casually.

"What the fuck!?" The boy quietly shouted. Tommy laughed quietly and climbed out of the dumpster.

"So, mind telling me what you're doing in my bag?" Tommy asked, walking closer to the stranger. Said stranger took a breath in before reaching into his pocket, taking out a knife and pointing it at the blonde before him.

"Just give me your fucking money!" The boy said, his voice raised. Tommy just rolled his eyes.

"C'mon man, at least tell me your name, mine is Tommy, because I am a big man." Tommy declared, reaching for his bag and taking a key from his pocket. "And honestly, if you had a knife why didnt you just stab the bag?" He asked, glancing at the brunette who in response only sighed.

"To be fair, I forgot I packed the knife." Tommy snorted at his comment.

"You forgot you packed the knife? You didnt feel anything in your pocket? I call bullshit." He said, unlocking the pocket and pulling his new, black leather wallet out.

"Im not bullshitti- I don't even know why I'm arguing with you. I have no reason to even speak to you." He said, putting one hand in his jean pocket.

"So you aren't gonna tell me your name? Rude." Tommy said, counting 700 dollars.

The stranger sighed. "Fine fine whatever, my names Tubbo." He said, pulling the hand that was in his pocket out and running it through his hair, it getting caught on a few knots before he gave up.

"Just hurry up."

"Why am I even listening to you, man. I'm certain I could take you and win." Tommy laughed, but still continued counting.

"Yeah yeah, just fucken-" Tubbo started, but interrupted himself with an annoyed groan, throwing the knife at the dumster, earning a loud crash in response.

"You alright big man?" He said, sighing internally. It was going to be a long fucking night. He finished counting and put the wallet back in his bag, keeping the 700 out.

Why the fuck am I asking someone who's effectively stealing from me if their alright. I'm trusting too much.

"Just- running low on cash. This was literally my only hope in actually eating for a while. I haven't eaten in days." Tubbo sighed once again, sitting down against the wall, his head in his hands. "But hey, go ahead. Give me to the police, I don't fucking care anymore."

Tommy only cackled at his sentence. "Nah, I don't think I will. Here have the cash." He said throwing the notes at Tubbo, smiling when he let out a surprised yelp.

Tubbo softly laughed before looking up at Tommy. "Thanks man." He said, a small smile landing on his face. Tommy gave the same smile back.

After a moment of comfortable silence Tommy smiled largely.

Yeah, I'm definitely trusting way too fucking much. Whatever, what's the worst that could happen?

"Tubbo, my new decided friend. Y'know how you're a criminal at the moment?" He asked, and tubbo slowly nodded. "What if..." he paused for dramatic effect. "What if we became villains? Money wouldn't be a problem anymore! Do you know how much fun it would be? Tubbo, I'm not sure if you realise this, but the heroes, the heroes are shit. And they're pretty corrupt too. They don't give two fucks about the smaller suburbs, the shittier suburbs. Do you know how much chaos we can make too? We can make- we can make so much fucking chaos!" He rambled, pacing slightly in the dark alleyway.

Tubbo considered for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. It would be super fun.

"Alright. Yeah let's do it. Lets become the villains!" He exclaimed, a manical smile plastered on his face. Tommy noted that his eyes became nuke signs.

"Though, the heroes do have powers. Have you figured yours out yet?" Tommy asked, and tubbo shook his head no in response.

"Im 16 at the moment, and you're supposed to have them at around age 17, so it shouldn't be too long. My birthday is in a month or so anyway." Tubbo said, standing up from his seat on the floor. Tommy nodded and Tubbo smiled. Tommy walked back over to his bag, a plan slowly forming in his head. He would occasionally mumble a 'no, no that wouldnt work' or a 'yeah, thats possible.' Or even or the confusing question that was racing in his head, 'what's the difference between criminal, and villain?' .

Tubbo stepped closer to his crime buddy, and leaned against the dumpster, looking towards the endless vast of stars.

"Tommy, I've only known you for 20 minutes, but I can tell we're gonna be best friends." Tubbo said, a slight smile on his face. "Us against the world, yeah?" He finished, the smile not yet leaving. He looked down to his friend, and smiled slightly larger.

Tommy looked up from his rummaging spree in his bag and grinned.

"Yeah. Us against the world."


God, i suck at dialogue :(

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