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A few knocks on the door was heard throughout the room. Rindou, who was buried in paperwork in his office, let out a sigh.

"Come in." He yelled out

A man escorted a girl into the room, her eyes were gleaming with tears. Her clothes had been covered with a reddish scarlet color with a brown tone, presumably attempting to free herself from his men. Her pale complexion was tinged with a bluish-purple tone. Her bare feet are covered in scars and crusted blood, causing her to limp. Her wrists were tightly bound with a rope, and her lips were taped shut.

The man smirked, "I believe she's the one you've been looking for?"

She shook as the terror crept up her spine. A metallic flavor of blood spreads evenly over her tastebuds as she sinks her teeth barely on her tongue.

Rindou lingered over the girl's figure, savoring every detail despite the evident injuries on her skin. His tittering was caused by her terrified state.

He simply shook his head in astonishment, wearing a cheeky grin. He finally had her all to himself after all these years of waiting.

"Let her rest at the couch, Gerald. I'll give you the payment later."

The man dragged her towards the couch with him. He snipped the rope that was tying her hands together. Leaving her alone since he thinks she'll be able to manage the remainder on her own.

She gently caresses her wrists, observing the marks on her flesh, which are quickly followed by a burning sensation. She whimpered as she gently peeled the tape that covered her dry lips, crying as the harsh adhesive dragged the hair of her face.

Her eyes wandered throughout the room, admiring its walls and interior designs. The palette often contains black, gold, and white colors giving a luxurious and sophisticated vibe.

Her eyes darted at the man who's sitting at his desk casually.

She then observed him reorganize the papers before signing them. The man could feel her gaze on him as she took her time to acknowledge his features. He was concentrating on a stack of documents on top of his desk.

"Take a picture, it'll last long." He said making her eyes dilated.

She promptly withdraw her gaze at him and whispered "Sorry."

After a few moments, the man completed signing the documents and let out a deep sigh. His gaze was drawn to the girl, who was fidgeting with her fingers.

He took a bottle of Clos Des Papes from the drawer of his desk.

The door swung open unexpectedly, presenting a tall man with diamond scars on either side of the corner of his lips, which complimented his features beautifully and added to his charm.

"Jellyfi- Oh." He stop midway as his eyes heed at the familiar girl who's sitting at the couch staring at him.

"Why hello there! God Rindou, how could you let Gerald be this horrible?" he said as he  approached her.

"I suppose she fought back?" Rindou said, unsure of his conclusion as he poured himself a glass of his favorite wine. He swirled the glass in his hand to aerate slightly.

The man sat next to her, leaning further to her face making the girl back away. Their gazes meet when he took her chin with one hand.

He licked his lips as he stared at her features.

"You're quite attractive, woman." He smirked

"Keep your hands off, Sanzu." Rindou warned as he took a sip of his wine

Sanzu laughed as he lifted his hand from her chin. He rolled his eyes and looked back at him lazily as he slumped his back on the couch.

"You're confusing me, Haitani. We often share when it comes to this." Sanzu sighed.

"You know very well that I don't like people touch any of my possessions." He answered

"And your point?"

"Don't test me, druggie. I'm not in the mood to argue with your shits." Rindou voiced out in a rough manner.

The girl was embedded between the tension of the two men, it was palpable.

Sanzu chuckled in amusement "Yeah yeah whatever."

"Anyway, I know you're up to something. Spill."

"Mikey told me you merely drop the reports on his desk. He called Koko earlier, asking to deduct half of your salary." Sanzu snickered.

He sighed "I was about to call his secretary to come and pick this up."  

Sanzu laughed at his retort. "Man, you're terrible."

Rindou sipped the last of the bourbon from his glass. He took a breath and placed the glass on his table.

"Wanna unwind later at Shotgun's?" Sanzu proposed

"With who?"

"The usual four of us, your brother and Koko. The rest? They'll probably refuse again."

"Alright then. I'll be late in a bit." he replied

Sanzu turned his head at the girl beside him with a sadistic smile plastered across his face.

"Why don't you bring her along? It'll be fun though" He insinuated

"No." Rindou retorded, sensing his shady thoughts.

"Alright then." He stood up, placing both of his hands on either side of his pockets.

He bend down and kissed her on the forehead before walking out the door, leaving her speechless. Obviously messing with Rindou.

Rindou's eyes flashed with anger. He clenched his jaw tightly and balled his hands into a fist, knuckles turning white while shooting him a contemptuous look.

"See ya around jellyfish." Sanzu smirked before closing the door behind him

The tension around the room ratcheted up in a notch. Gnawing on her bottom lip, she tried her best not to meet his frigid eyes.

She let out a sigh until she was suddenly pushed on the sofa.

He sat down and hovered above her.

"Look at you.." Stroking her bottom lip with his thumb, her eyes dilated when she felt his left knee separated her legs.

"You just got here yet you caught that bastard's attention huh?" He leaned closer to her face, causing her breath to hitch.

His hot breath fanned on her face, followed by a minted smell that filled her nostrils.

"But you heard what I've said a while ago right?" He muttered. Placing his calloused hands on her waist, giving it a squeeze to meet his intense gaze.

"Answer me, princess."

"Y-Yes." Her voice faltered

He chuckled at her reaction "I've been waiting for this for so long."

"Well, don't even plan on escaping, no one will dare to give you a hand once they find out you're mine, even the superiors." His eyes searched her face with pleasure, relishing how she squirms under him.

She hastily shifted her head to the side, avoiding his stare, while she struggled to breathe due to their near proximity.

He let out a breathy giggle at her pathetic plight and unclutches his hand from her delicate skin, shuffling back to stand up.

"Get up. Let's go home."

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