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Jungkook: ' Surprise! I live at the ground floor.'

He exclaimed displaying his bunny teeths you frowned but nodded.

YN: ' Okay but what are you doing here?'

Jungkook: ' Was passing by and saw you, thought of greeting but I can leave if you want me to. '

He pouted and was about to leave as you sighed and called him back.

Jungkook smirked his back turned towards you before he spinned around and gave you the most innocent expression you've ever seen.

YN: ' It's really a coincidence.. wow, I don't know what to say? You can come inside if you want to, no?'

You asked bewildered by his sudden appearance but shrugged and let him enter your apartment of course he's no danger.

He's a little boy with luv, who has cute innocent doe eyes.

Jungkook: ' You live alone?'

He asked scanning your apartment as you shook your head as a 'no' and his curiosity was on it's peak now.

But you're not supposed to be this frank with your students, shrugging you didn't spoke about your dad.

YN: ' I kinda live with someone. '

You gestured Jungkook to sit he took a seat on the couch while you bought a glass of water for him, his eyes were continuously scanning your place.

As if trying to get some information or shit sherlock? He's being weird.

Jungkook: ' I wonder who do you live with? Your boyfriend?'


Stefan: ' I bet that kid has a crush on you. '


You saw Jungkook's hopeful eyes as if hoping for you to say no to his question.


Jungkook: ' Professor Paul is dating Jasmine from your class. '


After a pregnant pause you sat across Jungkook your expression remained blank you were trying to read him, and he wasn't like an open book.

It was hard to see what was going in his tiny brain.

YN: ' My boyfriend lives in abroad and currently I'm living with my dad. '

You lied purposely and watched how Jungkook's adam's apple bopped up and down in his throat as he glared at the ground for a good minute or two.

Jungkook: ' You have a boyfriend? Um, long distance relationships never really works professor. '

His tone was different his whole demeanor was suddenly speaking danger, his hand turned red by holding the glass too tightly.

YN: ' It worked for me and Stefan. '

You randomly said your guy best friend's name since he's the only guy you've ever known.

Wait till he gets to know about this.


Jungkook forced out a chuckle and nodded.

Jungkook: ' Good for you professor, by the way am I allowed in your apartment? Because I am suspended- will you help me with studies for a week?'

He asked hoping for her to say yes and of course using his infamous doe eyes just to melt her and lure her in his trap.

YN: ' Of course, you're like my younger brother you're always allowed in my apartment. '

Obsessed With My Professor | jjk ✓  Where stories live. Discover now