In hiding

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I decided to tag along with Shorter to meet his friend Ash . Word was that Eiji was leading him to us , We walked down an alley way to find Eiji and a beautiful blonde guy who had another guy in a strong arm grip . Guessing goldilocks is Ash Lynx?
" we'll take it from there . Haven't lost your touch , eh? Great to have you back , Ash " Shorter said to him .

The guy pleaded " please , don't kill me " as Shorter's guys took him . " let him go after he talks " Ash said to Shorter gaining a  comment from Shorter " still acting like the good saint ? When will you ...." Ash frowned " im just saying he isn't worth killing . It'll just make more trouble ."

Shorter looked back " Why not ? Let's settle it once and for all . Arthur thinks he's some big shot now . Gotta stop him ". Ash suddenly asked about his brothers body, Shorter and Eiji answered him , he then changed the subject . " You back out now , Shorter . I'll settle this myself " . Shorter seemed annoyed and answered with a frown " the he'll I will !  You can't do anything alone ."

" This is my problem . It doesn't concern you" Ash replied with a calm expression. " Dumbass , it is my problem too . Arthur's killed enough of my guys already . If you go alone , you'll be killed . You'll die for nothing . You won't get revenge for the guys or Skip ." There was an awkward silence before Ash sighed " Fine .Let's do this together Shorter " he offered his fist while Shorter returned the favour doing a fist bump like greeting " that's the spirit , I've got to get in my bit of action ."

Ash's gaze turned to me behind Shorter " who's that ?" Shorter looked back at me with a smile then to Ash " She's the Mexican boss , and my friend . She is looking for answers to Banana fish , I figured since you are doing the same maybe she can tag along " Ash frowned " I dont need anyone getting in my way or keeping  me back "

I frowned " I dont care what you think or feel Goldilocks,  I'm doing this for my boys " Ash had a blank face " Goldilocks? " Shorter then explained " her guys keep disappearing , one returned mentioning the Banana fish stuff ....she thinks if she can find Banana fish , she can find her men "

Ash sighed " drag us behind , I'll cut you loose , you hear ?" I crossed my arms " what exactly do you think I am ?  Are you going to Man-xplain everything to me ?"I said in a annoyed tone .  Eiji chuckled covering his mouth , Ash looked at him then back at me , Shorter noticed the tension between us and cleared his throat " Well need somewhere quiet to figure out a plan , the cops are lounging around at my place . So is Ibe . I heard what you did , Eiji "

Ash and I glared at eachother , it felt like we were fire and ice at the moment , we lead different lives even with similar backgrounds . I can see behind that tough expression that he feels vulnerable and stays guarded.

We lodged by a area that the Lee's owned . I felt very uncomfortable sitting in a property owned by the  Lee clan .I went to shower as the boys talked , looking at myself in the mirror I drew a smile on the steam infront of my reflection . I suppose I should let Dante know that I will be busy for a while .

After my shower I went through , Eiji was fast asleep as Shorter and Ash sat talking . I grabbed my phone and texted Dante " Following my lead ...won't be back for a while . Take head until I return . Keep our boys safe , we will get our answers soon " 

I felt eyes on me and looked up noticing Ash studing me , I raised an eyebrow " what ?" He shrugged " nothing ....your eye colour. that natural ?" I put my phone down " yeah it's natural, trust me I wouldn't be wearing such a unique colour if I had the choice " Shorter tilted his head " why not ?" I sat beside Ash grabbing a drink " same reason as Ash's green eyes , the rarity makes it more desirable , you can't blend when you stand out " Shorter dropped his head " oh..."

The next morning we ate Shorter's cooking which I seriously could have gone without . I was only away from home for one day and I already miss my grandmothers cooking . Ash and Shorter left to meet Mr Lee , I told them I didn't want to speak to him so I stayed behind with Eiji . Eiji sat beside me looking very anxious , I smiled at him " Eiji ....what is it like in Japan ?" Eiji looked surprised " you want to know about Japan ?" I nodded " America is all I know , I want to travel once I'm out of school completely "

Eiji gasped " you attend school ? " I looked at him surprised " yes why ?" He shook his head " arent you a gang leader ? Why the heck are you in school ?"  I pouted " my grandmother is forcing me ..."  he seemed in awe , I cleared my throat " anyways ... I want to see the world , Japan , Europe , Africa , even Mexico "

Eiji smiled " that's a dream to reach for ..." I smiled " I hope to reach it soon " After a while Ash and Shorter returned and discussed the aid from Mr Lee .

"Club Cod ?" Eiji asked . I nodded and crossed my arms " good idea Ash ...." I looked at Eiji as Ash explained  " Club Cod is a Sea food restaurant " Shorter raised his eyebrow " Golzine goes for seafood ?" Ash frowned " They don't only serve seafood . They sell other living beings , too . Humans " Eiji looked surprised " Humans ?"

I leaned against the wall and continued Ash's explanation " The place is run by Dino Golzine , it's a secret club in his taste with a good profit . The merchandise is kids . Most customers are distinguished people . So it's top secret . And that way , Dino has contol over these people " Ash looked at me surprised then at Shorter " He catches runaway kids like me to sell off as merchandise. The kids are drugged so they can't run away and only live a few years , and the secret is safe . "

"That's gross" Eiji mumbled. Shorter looked at Ash " and he'll be there ?"
"Every 15th of the month" Ash replied . I stood straight " this place also attracts competition for other traffickers , Dino is connected to several black market human traffickers,  one in particular is very dangerous.  She calls herself Marionette and she has a soft spot for Golzine . She tends to hover over Mexico and Africa , trafficking uniquely featured individuals. You could say she is Dino's overseas  supplier " Eiji frowned " so women are into this too?" I crouched infront of Eiji and spoke in a gentle tone " regardless of gender, race or upbringing.  Everyone is capable of murder , rape ,  assault , trafficking and abuse . Some are forced into it by uncontrollable events ...others find excitement in it . America is no stranger to these kinds of people Eiji , that is why Ibe is constantly worried about you ." Eiji hung his head as Shorter raised his eyebrow " what kind of tone was that ? You are never so gentle ..." I glared at Shorter and punched his leg  making him flinch and yell out "ouch!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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