Not part of the story

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Hi I just wanted to show some short stories I've made. There aren't that good and have nothing to do with MHA or the story but if you want to read them you can. Some aren't finished but you can still read them.

First story,

I was laying in bed staring up at the celling. I couldn't fall asleep not matter how hard I tried. I finally got bored and decided that taking a walk in the forest might help. I got dressed and went outside. I was walking in the forest when I felt like someone was watching me. I continued walking until I heard a branch crack. I turned around shivers running down my spine. I saw nothing, so I turned around to start walking. Suddenly Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness. My body stiffened at the cold touch. I was terrified. I slowly turned my head to look. I screamed as soon as I saw the creature gripping my arm. It was like something out of a horror movie. The creature had a humanoud look. It had greyish skin and long fingers. It's arms were long and skinny. It's face was something you'd see in a nightmare. It's big black eyes staring at me while a scary grin spread across it's face. It's long white hair was so thin. It looked like it would fall off at any moment. I tried jerking my arm away but the creature held on tight planting it nails into my skin. I screamed out in pain. Tears started falling down my face. My vision became blurry and I felt like I was fainting. I suddenly woke up breathing hard. Thank god it was just a dream.

Second story,

I was going to my babysitting job. Babysitting was going to be so easy. They're so easy to foul. I knocked on the Wood's door. Mr and Mrs Woods opened the door. "Hi, I'm Kayla and I'm here to babysit Ruby. "Yes, enter. This is Ruby." said Mr Wood pointing to a small child. The child then started throwing things at me and her parents. My first thought was 'Demon child'. After the little tantrum her parents left. I went over to the kid and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Kayla and I'm going to be taking care of you while your parents are gone.", but that little brat just ignored me. "Want to play a game?" I asked. She just spit in my face and ran away. I ran after her. She ran into a room and locked the door. I banged on the door. "Come out you brat or I'm going to make you!" I yelled. She wouldn't open the door so I forced it open. The door opened and the kid was on the floor crying. "Oh. Did I hurt you when I opened the door?" I asked. The kid nodded. "Well I don't care so get up and walk it off!" I screamed. I then noticed two people standing beside us. I turned to see the kids parents. "Oh, hi Mrs and Mr Woods." I said innocently. "You're fired." said Mr Woods. I then walked out of the house still broke.

Third story,

The air turned black all around me. It was bitter cold. It felt like my heart had been shattered into millions of pieces. I felt my knees trembling. They soon gave up on me and I fell to the ground. Tears poured down my face. I sobbed as I watch my best friend falling to the ground. A red spot on her forehead where she had been shot. She hit the floor with a thud. Blood was trickling down her forehead. Her eyes wide open and lifeless. I scream in agony from the pain I felt. I saw people running my way. I didn't pay attention to anything. I started crawling towards her. Her body was cold but I hugged it anyways. People tried taking her away but I wouldn't let go. They had to pry my arms away from her. I kept fighting but they won, taking her away from me.

Fourth story, 

Wandering through the graveyard it felt like something was watching me. I shook it off, thinking it was only my imagination. I kept walking but the feeling that eyes were burning in the back of my head stayed. I stopped and turned around. I didn't see anything and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I turned around and walked out of the graveyard and back to my house. I unlocked my door and came in. I slid my boots off and headed towards my bedroom. I took a quick shower and put my pijamas on. I turned off the lights and slipped into the comfort of my bed.I woke up to the sound of foot steps. I slowly got up, grabbing a shovel on the way. I went to the kitchen and turned the lights on. No one there. I then headed to the dinning room. I turned the lights on to see no one. I checked the bathroom and living room. Nobody was in in my house, it must of just been my imagination. I started heading to my bedroom when I realised the front door was open. I looked outside quickly and closed the door after I deemed there was no one. I went back to my bedroom. I slipped back in my bed when I heard breathing underneath. I looked under to see a man with a knife. I ran out the my house calling the police. When the police arrived he was gone. And to this day, the man still hasn't been found.

Fifth story, 

The train tracks stretched out in front of me as far as I could see. It would be a long walk; but I was free! I would never have to go back to that horrible place where they would treat me poorly. They'd do expirements on me and locked me in my room. They would rarely feed me and when they did it wasn't a lot. I trotted along the tracks cheerfully. I was so happy the pain in my left leg was barely noticeble. Barely. Everytime I'd take a step a jolt of pain would course through my body. I walked for hours until I arrived at the train station. I stumbled in and saw a few employees only. I guess the station was already closed for the night. One of the employees turned my way and saw me. She gasped and stumbled back catching the attention of her coworkers. They turned in my direction and saw me. Some just stood still in shock others came dashing towards me. "Someone call an ambulance!" screamed a girl with blond hair. She came towards me putting my arm on her shoulder for support. She brought me to a bench. Someone gave her a first aid kit. Though she knew she couldn't help that much she still tried. She sent someone to get me food because I looked thin. She carefully took my broken leg in her hands. She sprayed something on it but whatever it was made me scream. I screamed lungs out. Though it wasn't as painful as the experients they'd do on me, it still left me sobbing. 

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