Bonus Chapter 2

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"And right now I'm a fucking race-car, alright, and you got me in the red." -Vincent

The second side story focuses on the past. How Ash met Goh and Chloe, and how he recruited them to Team Flare.

3 years ago...

Ash walks into Lysandre's office to be briefed for a job. The biggest one so far in his career. This job could be his ticket up. Ash sat down in front of Lysandre and makes his presence known. Lysandre clears his throat. "So, you ready for your mission, Mr. Ketchum?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright. Here it is. A Professor in Kanto known as Professor Cerise has been making headlines with his research showing all sorts of breakthroughs in Pokeology. I and the public suspect that the published research is only a fraction of what he truly has discovered. And it just so happens I was contacted by some corporate slimeballs who want that information, and they'll offer me a very hefty payday for it. So I want you to head to Kanto, infiltrate the lab, and steal that research. Papers, USB, handwritten, I don't care, I just want the research."

"Anything I should know before going?"

"His lab is located in Vermillion City but only employees, friends, and family are allowed entrance, and for the love of Arceus do not go in there guns blazing, because that'll be a pain to cover up. Also, you'll be going there solo."

Ash nods slowly "And what's in it for me?"


Ash sits up straight, his eyes widening "A... a promotion?"

"Yes, you heard. Such a big mission, money won't be a just reward for the effort on your part, and considering your splendid track record I think you deserve it."

"And if I fail?"

"Honestly, nothing. I know a difficult task when I hear one, and even for someone like you I don't expect this to be pulled off easily. And it would be quite counterintuitive for me and the Team if I killed you or kicked you out, ya know."

Ash stood up "Thankyou, sir. I'll be heading off now."

"The next plane to Vermillion leaves at 5:00 today. I wish you luck."

Lumiose City International Airport

"Attention, Talonflame Airlines Flight 1014 to Vermillion City is currently boarding. Please line up in a single file line and board in an orderly fashion. Thank you." the intercom blared.

Ash stood up and prepared to board. 'Airport security. What a joke.' Due to obvious laws, Ash was unable to bring a weapon with him and he has to pick it up back in Kanto, meaning he was unarmed. It felt weird not feeling his trusty weapon in his vest pocket. He boarded the plane with a sigh. As it took off, Ash takes one last look at Kalos as it gets smaller and smaller. He'll either come back successful and promoted, or back injured and humiliated, or worse, not at all.

12 hours later, Vermillion City, Kanto

"...and we have arrived at our final destination. Thank you for riding with us on Talonflame Airlines, we wish you a safe and happy trip."

Ash leaves the plane and exits the airport. He already picked up his luggage, and most importantly, his weapon. He takes a deep breath of the cool Kantonian air. "Ah, Kanto. I sure have missed you. How many years has it been?" The last time he was in Kanto was 12 years ago when he was 11 and still a naive, carefree kid curious to see the world. Back then, he would've never guessed he'd become a criminal, but now he accepted that job and does it with pride. "Alright, let's see here." Ash took out a couple photos. The Cerise laboratory appears to look like a manor or a castle of some kind. "Alright, it should be pretty hard to miss." As Ash started walking in a random direction, his stomach rumbled. He shook his head and grinned. 'Some things never change, eh Ash?' He headed towards a nearby cafe and bought a small meal. He decides to give Lysandre a call to let him know he arrived. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Ash, a young couple overheard his conversation.

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