Chapter 1

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I got out of my car and looked at my new house man it was very nice not too big not too little either I grabbed my bags then went to my new house I put one bag down then unlocked my doors picked the door back up and looked around the house I went to the master bedroom once everything was unpacked in my room flopped on my new bed and fell asleep.

(Next day)
I woke up to a knock on my door I got up and changed into clothes then went downstairs went to the door and slightly open the door "Hello?" I asked/answered a old lady said "Hello dear my name is Glory Ann I heard there is a new neighbor so I came over to say hi" "Hi then my name is Asher Oceans and yes I just moved here. It's nice to meet you Miss Glory" "It's nice to meet you too Asher and just call me Glory" Glory said "Ok Glory um would you like to come in side?" "No sorry dear I have to take care of my grandkids it was nice meeting you Asher have a nice day dear" Glory said "Same goes to you Glory" I said then she left.

Time skip

The moving truck finally came in so for four hours I was moving all my stuff into my house once everything was in I spent another four hours in unpacking and putting it into it's places now everything is unpacked it was midnight when I finished. I went to my room changed into my pj's then finally fell asleep.

Next day

I got up and grabbed my wetsuit changed into it and ran down stairs then grabbed my surfboard got into my car drove closer to the beach. Once I parked I got out grabbed my surfboard then went straight to the water.

6 hours later

It was almost dark when I was done *Wow I didn't realize the time man I had fun* I thought I got out of the water but then I hear splashing and squeals near some rocks I went closer thinking it was a seal in distress but it wasn't what I was thinking

It was almost dark when I was done *Wow I didn't realize the time man I had fun* I thought I got out of the water but then I hear splashing and squeals near some rocks I went closer thinking it was a seal in distress but it wasn't what I was thinking

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/N: ignore charlie that's just who Asher found

I paused but before I could cut the net without him (I say him because it just felt like a him) noticing, he saw me cutting the net without me knowing he was looking directly at me "Chirp" I looked up to him looking at me "Um hi there big guy I'm just cutting this for ya nothing else ok?" He nodded "That's good" I smiled at him then went back to cutting the net. Once done cutting the net I manage to pull it off him without hurting him "There you go big guy all free" I said he swim around me then nuzzled me "haha your welcome" he then left I got back out of the water went to my car after wrapping my towel *He was so cute!* I thought I then got into my car and drove back to my house.

(Bumblebee pov)

*That human was so nice!* I thought as I then swim to where my pod is "Bumblebee! There you are!" And white and orange Mer said "I'm fine Ratchet" "Fine my aft your covered in scratches now explain what happened" "Calm down old friend let Bumblebee calm down first" a blue and red Mer said "Fine" Ratchet mumbled *I just realized that human had red and blue hair* I thought the three Mers went to the medbay I sat down and let Ratchet tend to my injuries "Now explain what happened" Optimus said/ordered "Well I was swimming when a fishers net caught me-" "What!? Did they see you?" "No my body was to heavy but I got stuck on some rock when-" "Wait how did you get free?" "Well if you let me explain I can tell you" Ratchet grumbled but nodded "I did get seen by a human but he i think it was a he but I'm not sure anyway he cut the net off me and got it off me" "So you did get seen" Optimus conclude I nodded "To be honest he looked like a human version of you Prime" they both looked at him "What? I'm not kidding" "Interesting maybe we should keep an eye on this human" Optimus said "Optimus you must be joking? We can't be near humans" Ratchet said "I know but he's seen one of us and didn't even attack him maybe there is still good in humans" Optimus said Ratchet huffed but didn't say anymore "Optimus I think he'll probably be back tomorrow mainly because I've seen doing what humans call surfing he did all day by the looks of it" Optimus nodded to that "That's settled then tomorrow we'll watch him when he shows up tomorrow I'll explain this to the others" Optimus said then left "I hope the decepticons don't fine out about this human" I said "Let's just hope this human won't try to kill us" Ratchet said I shrugged.

(Asher's pov)

I got home once home I got changed into pj's then went to bed

Next day

I got up got changed into my wetsuit then went downstairs and made breakfast for myself. Once finished with breakfast I grabbed my surfboard then went to my car and finally went to the beach. I parked then grabbed my surfboard and went straight to the water.

(Optimus pov)
"So that's the human Bumblebee?" I asked "Yes sir that's him" they watch the human get into the water "By the Primes he does look like a human version of you Prime" a black Mer said "I did say that Ironhide did you not believe me?" "It's not that Bee it's more like I need to see to believe" Bumblebee huffed then looked back at the human *Hmm something feels familiar about that human* I thought as we continue to watch him.

(Asher's pov)

As I was swimming I hear my name get called I looked back twords the beach to see an old friend enemy but now it's just enemy since he became a complete ass "Yo Asher what are you doing here your parents said you can't be near the beach" Domino said "Like bloody hell I'll listen to them and don't think I'll listen to you too Domino" I said/growled. He swim closer to me despite the warning growl I gave him "Don't think I'm scared of you Asher you not strong enough to take me on" Domino said "Try me asshole" I said

(Back to Optimus pov)

"This human we've been watching is called Asher?" Ironhide asked "It seems like it Ironhide" I said "It seems like the human Domino is getting on the bad side of Asher" Bumblebee said "I see that they must have a bad history if it's like this" I said. We all went still when Asher got slapped "Grrr how dare he slap him for no reason" Ironhide growled/asked I held my arm out to keep them from doing anything.

(Asher's pov)

I put a hand on my cheek while staring at Domino I took a deep breath then said "Listen here Domino and listen well if you come near me ever again I won't hesitate to beat you up and trust me I'm much more dangerous when angered got that?" I growled dangerously Domino swim backwards and nodded.

Once he was gone I went back to surfing until I felt something nug my foot I looked it was that big guy I helped "Hi there again are you feeling better?" He nodded "That's good I'm glad your feeling better" he chirp at me then I noticed that he wasn't alone I looked at the others that were with him "Um hi?" I said the blue and red one slightly bowed his head in respect I did the same since you can definitely tell he's a leader *I think I shocked him doing that* I thought as I looked at him "Thank you for helping Bumblebee" the blue and red one said I just smiled and said "It's not a problem I love helping others. So what y'all's names?" "My name is Optimus Prime the black Mer is Ironhide" Ironhide huffed in response I giggled a bit at his attitude "The white and orange is Ratchet" Ratchet just looked away "And the one you saved is Bumblebee" Optimus said "It's nice to meet y'all my name is Asher Oceans" I said then I looked at my watch then at the sun noticing it's getting dark "I'm sorry but I have to go it was nice meeting y'all" I said as I started surfing back to the beach they nodded then disappeared from view.

I got to my car and drove home once home I took a shower then got into pj's  after that I made and ate dinner finally I went to my room flopped onto my bed and fell asleep.

To be continue

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