Chapter 2

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(Optimus pov)

I was still thinking about what happened yesterday *I don't know why but it feels like I know him from somewhere I just don't know where* I thought "Optimus you ok?" Ironhide asked "I'm fine Ironhide" "Like pits you are! Is it about Asher?" Sigh "Yes I just feel like I know him from somewhere just don't know where" "Should we try to see him?" Bumblebee asked "Hmm yes we should maybe then we can learn about the surface again" I said everyone nodded "Now that's setal we should get going" I said.

(Asher's pov)

I was already at the beach not surfing just swimming I took a deep breath then went under I can hold my breath for about 6 hours as I was swimming I accidentally bumped into Optimus oops I waved "Asher what are you doing?" Optimus asked I turned my head in a way of saying I can't speak.

I pointed up then we swim up once we breach the surface I said "Im swimming I thought today I'll do something different than surfing" "Ah I see can I ask you what happened between you and that other human yesterday?" "Oh you guys saw that?" "Yes we only wanted to meet you we just happened to be there when that happened" "I don't mind answering that question see me and him use to be friends but that changed when we hit the age of sixteen he became a complete ass and a bully our friendship broke when I discovered that" "I'm sorry that happened" "Don't be Optimus that tends to happen on the surface that's why I like the ocean" "Why do you like the ocean?" "I've always felt connected to the ocean how? I don't know but it just feels like home to me" I said with a smile "How long can you hold your breath?" "For about six hours why?" "I would like you to meet my pod you only meet four of us yesterday" "Ok!" I said I'm really excited I love meeting new people Optimus nodded I took a deep breath then went under Optimus grabbed my hand then led me to his home

Once we were there Optimus said "Wait here I got to tell the others" I nodded

(Optimus pov)

"Everyone come here please" I ordered/said, once they were over "Ok everyone you all remember about that human we talked about?" Everyone nodded "Well he's right outside if you all want to meet him" everyone was quiet except Bumblebee he quickly went outside our home to greet Asher while I deal with protest of a few.

(Asher's pov)

I got hugged from behind I looked it was Bumblebee I patted his head in hello apparently I got a good spot because he slightly purred I looked up to see Optimus and others "I see Bumblebee found you" Optimus said I nodded I moved my hands in sign language "Yes he did" (Optimus understood it since he once had a human teach him back in the past) "Ok everyone this is Asher Oceans please be nice to him" Optimus said I waved at the others then went back to petting Bumblebee "How about we go inside?" Ratchet asked the others nodded Bumblebee pulled me along.

An hour later

I got to know almost everyone there are a few that only watched Jazz was pretty funny the complete opposite of his mate Prowl *Well people do say opposites attract* I thought as I watch them I looked at Bee (he aloud me to call him that) he never left my side "Asher what's your family like?" Jazz asked "Which one my real or adopted?"  "How about both" I nod "I'll start with my real family I don't remember much but I do know I have a twin brother name Orion" Optimus stiffen at that name "Do you remember your real name?" Prowl asked "Oron I think like I said I don't remember much I do know we were always in the water I believe my parents wanted me to be a warrior or something I don't know memories are very fuzzy" "That must be ruff" Cliffjumper said "It's a pain I know for a fact. Now my adopted family I like my siblings better than my parents" "Why?" Ratchet asked "My so call parents are jerks they want me to do what they wanted not what I wanted" "What did they want you to do?" Optimus asked this question I sigh "They wanted me to stay away from the ocean and marry some girl" I said with a slight growl "I understand the ocean part kinda but why not mate with a femme?" I snorted "I prefer males or mechs thank you very much besides they want me to marry a girl from a rich family no I don't want that I want to marry a guy for love not money" "You have a mean family" Crosshairs said "Thank you for stating the obvious Crosshairs" I sign in sarcasm "Hey don't be like that" Crosshairs said I sticked my tongue at him then signed "Don't be like what? Myself? I'm good with that" the others laughed.

(Optimus pov)

I'm glad everyone is getting along with Asher but when he said what his real brother's name was and his real name I just stiffen those were mine and my twin's original names *Is it possible to become human?* I thought/asked myself.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder I looked at Asher "You ok Optimus?" "I'm fine Asher just thinking" Asher didn't looked convinced but left it alone *I don't know if it's just me but it's like he can read me and others by the looks of it* I thought as I watch him interact with the others he seemed to always know what to say or sign to the others Bumblebee seemed to really like him.

(Asher's pov)

I didn't like how Optimus said he was fine he seemed sad to me "Asher where did you get these scars from?" Sideswipe asked pointing at my neck that caught the others attentions I looked down sadly "I don't completely know but the very long one came from someone trying to kill me but it didn't work the ones on the side of my neck I believe are sealed shut gills of mine" "Gills? Like what we have?" Sunstreaker asked I nodded "I've been trying to figure out why I have them my best guess is that I use to live in the ocean but was taken away from my family and forced to become a human" "Is that even possible?" Ironhide asked I shrugged "It's just a theory Im still not sure humans have been getting more into science so it's possible with whatever they're doing or it could of been some sort of magic again I'm not sure" "Do you remember anything else about your past? Maybe that'll help" Optimus asked I thought about it "I do remember me and my brother became leaders sorta like how you are a Prime Optimus" I snapped my fingers "Our names changed after we because leaders I don't remember his but mine is Onix" the moment I signed that everyone and I mean everyone went dead silent "What?" I asked I shivered at their staring "Um Asher Onix is the same name as Optimus's twin brother" Ratchet said "Sorry Optimus I didn't mean to bring any sad memories to you" I apologized "'s fine Asher I'm just shocked" Optimus said "Hey what if Asher is Onix?" Ironhide asked everyone looked at him "I'm just asking the way he puts everything sounds just like what happened here with Onix" Ironhide explained Ratchet said "It's a possibility but I can't be sure without a scan" "I don't mind being scanned this could be a way of me finding out who I am and a possibility reason why I wasn't aloud to be near the ocean" I signed Ratchet nodded then left to get his scanner.

To be continue

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