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It had been 2 years since the Pevensie's had left Narnia via the portal Aslan had made from the tree.

Since that day everything changed.

Evangeline was in the throne room, looking around her to see Caspian's empty chair. It felt weird to not have her cousin around, she wouldn't admit it to him...or anyone else they knew for that matter. With Caspian away at sea, her title and role as Princess of Narnia got a bit more serious. Caspian had been away for almost a year, searching for something out at sea and keeping the peace, another downside of being a Princess and not King, almost nobody tells you anything unless you go snooping. Then you just get told off, luckily for Evangeline, she has gotten quite good at not getting caught.

Evangeline didn't think of the Pevensie's much, not because she didn't want to, she knew she couldn't or she would never move on. Looking at the facts, they had disappeared for hundreds of Narnian years at a time and Evangeline simply didn't have the time to dwell and wait around for them. She was nearing 17, much older then when she last saw Peter, Susan, Lucy and.... Edmund. It would be a lie to say when she said she doesn't think of the Pevensie's much that Edmund is included in that. She did miss him dearly, her first friend, her only friend really but everyone noticed it the day they left, she wasn't going to be the same.

Evangeline, if alongside the Pevensie's, would've probably grown into a fair and gracious Princess of Narnia, but instead with three years, a fierce and ruthless soldier had been born, something no one, not even Evangeline saw coming. She knew her people needed her and keeping everything peaceful, by whatever means, was how she provided for said people.

Now there was still the same problem as before. Evangeline is a woman. She has fought several times for her right of Princess and her main standing leg is that Aslan himself hath crowned her Princess of the land.... unfortunately no one had seen Aslan since the Pevensie's left. She didn't think he'd go with them. Not again.... so much for not everything happening the same way twice. Atlas here she is, playing the part of a soldier and not a princess.

"Princess?" The messenger calls out.

"What is it? I told you not to disturb me unless it was urgent, so you better hope we're under attack!" She snaps rising from the throne.

"That's not way to greet your tired cousin." A voice chuckles.

"Caspian?" She looks into the dark corner of the room.

"Hello Evangeline, I see you've kept the castle in one piece." Caspian jokes.

"Of course I have," Evangeline deadpans.

"Come I have some news" Caspian holds his arm out to the girl.

"This better be good."

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