Spice: Yarr! Foxy! Get ye self over here! Dakota is gonna tell us somtin'
Everyone sits at the tables face the stage....
Me: Guys! Ok so this is my cousin..... SpringTrap!
Everyone's eyes gets wide as he walks out on stage.
Spice: He be ST? yarharharhar!
ST:(human form: golden suit that has holes. One blue eye and on yellow eye. Golden bunny ears pop out of head with the left on torn. A bunny tail. Tall. Has a guitar like Bonnie's but grey.) what?
Me: Be nice! He's sensitive....
ST: what's wrong with who I am? Please answer me!
Me: don't worry. You are fine!
Foxy:(stands up and pulls Spice away in the cove.)
In the cove.......
Spice: ye scallywag! Ye landlubber!
Foxy:Hush! Ye would've laughed yer tail off! (Randomly kisses Spice.) Me sorry!(blushes)
Spice: I-it be alright cap'n....(kisses Foxy on the LIPS!)(blushes)
On the stage....
ST: Dakota, do you love me?
Me:OF course I do!
ST:(kisses me on the lips!)
Me:(returns the kiss and sits on his lap)
Freddy, CHICA and bonnie: I'm out!
Eli, winter and Bucky: wait up!
Auther: Guys we need questions and dares! You can dare fnaf1/2/3 plus Dakota, Bucky, winter, Eli and me!