Chapter 18: deja vu

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I haven't updated in a while so here's a refresher 😘


"Sis, wake up!" Trina shook me, I still pretended to sleep. "Now!" She continued, I slightly smiled.

"I'm throwing away your cuddle me Cathy doll"

I knew she wouldn't...

But then I felt her get off of me and start waking, and you guessed it, I shot right up. "See, I knew you would wake up" she smiled.

"Never threaten my cuddle me Cathy doll!" I scold, bringing the doll close to me. "I was joking but still, we have to leave in twenty if you wanna catch the ferry" she walked out of the room.

I roll my eyes, she didn't even bother to wake me up earlier?

I've been here for two days in Trinas apartment. It's a three bedroom, I was guessing she got such a big one because she wanted me and the rest of the family to visit.

But nooo, of course she just told me she was looking for roommates and likes space.

"Hurry!" I heard her holler from the hall. "Yea yea" I groan, starting to get dressed. I've been trying to get my mind off of jade these past few days and it's working pretty great.

No it's not!

Well, at least Trinas been trying to get it off my mind. I just can't stop thinking about how hurt she looked when she told me she didn't want me. I saw cuts and bruises all over her skin, I wanted to heal her but I was too deep in shock after she said she wanted to break up.

Jades a mean person anyways, she was probably just trying to do some sick prank.

You really gave your virginity to a prank?

Maybe I did, and I soooo regret it...

But what did jade mean when she said she has to get married? Does her dad have something to do with it?

No, it's just an excuse to break up stupid!

I push back tears that were starting to form in my eyes again and did my hair quietly.


Life's pretty shitty if I do say so myself.

I mean, I would say it if a guy hadn't taped my mouth shut!

I haven't seen any part of society in two whole days and I'm going batshit crazy!

First off, the room they put me in is actually darker than my soul! Secondly, I can't fucking move because of these fucking chains! Thirdly, there is a knife jabbed into my thigh!

A fucking knife!

I need to get out of this place, like now, before I never see the light of day again. All I've eaten today is a grasshopper, yep, they made me eat stupid grasshopper!

All I have here to distract me are my thoughts, but I don't have an imagination so the only thing on my mind was Toris face replaying over and over of how she looked when we broke up.

I was hurting mentally and physically, heck, I don't even know if I can stand anymore.

Suddenly a door opened, revealing light to me. I look around quickly for anybody at the door but nobody was there.

Smirking as an idea popped into my head, despite the pain, I flexed my mouth over the tape, creating a gap in the tape. My jaw could now work!

I took the knife out of my leg, holding in a scream with my jaw and tried to slice at the chains. After ten minutes, my arm was free!

I undid the rest of the chains, taking a few minutes to stand and try to walk. I surprisingly could, though I still winced a lot.

I hurried out the door, stepping into my living room. I couldn't hear anything at all so I ran up to my room.

My phone was luckily still on my desk where I left it three days ago. Dialing 911, I put on sweatpants and a sweater since my clothes I was wearing before were practically rags with holes.


"Is that Big Ben?!" I exclaimed, snatching the binoculars from my sister. "Hey!" She turned to me, I swear the fish were probably scared away by her screaming.

"Those are mine! Don't make me turn this boat around!" She scolds. I roll my eyes, giving her back the binoculars "here" I grumbled, my mood dropping a bit.

"Thank you" she smiled smugly at me.

At least she said thank you

I look back over to the water, looking at the fish that swam by. The blue sea felt so familiar, but not in a way like your thinking.

I've seen ocean water before but this time I felt deja vu...

Suddenly the thought hit me

Jade, jade has ocean blue eyes...

Great! Just when I thought I was over her! I felt this foreign pain I've only experienced once. It's the same pin I felt when she broke up with me but this time struck harder because I was realizing that I would most likely stay in London and go to school here.

I probably won't see jade ever again...

The thought brought heavy tears to my eyes, I couldn't look at the water anymore, it hurt too much. Forget an ocean, I could cry one right now.

Never hug her again, never see that sexy smirk she always has, never kiss her lips that taste of mint and apples, and never see her be an amazing actor when we're older.

She's always talking about writing plays and movies and directing... it's what I've always admired about her, she inspired me to do a lot of things that lead to an A in a class.

Now I'll never have the privilege of being someone she allows to touch her, heck she might be across the country right now. She might even have got an acting job somewhere and I'm not there to congratulate her.

But I'm mad, mad at myself for not trying to reason with her, mad at myself for not being enough for her, mad at her for breaking up with me.

I just want the swirling in my mind to end already...

I just want jade.

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