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Iris, Nova and Naira were trying to catch fish out by the river. "Got one!" Naira shouted as that's her 6th fish and Iris and Nova looked at her shocked. "What? They keep swimming away" Nova whines as she kicks the water and steps out the river bottom of her pants soaking wet.

Naira throws her fish in the bucket of 20 other fish she caught. Nova lifts the bucket and walks in the cabin along with Iris and Naira. Nova sets the large bucket on the table and Iris takes out her knife and begins skinning the fish. Nova stands on the other side of the table and smiles at Iris making Iris smile as she skins the fish.

Iris leans in and kisses Nova softly and slowly. Nova places a hand on Iris's cheek and kisses her back. "Nova? Iris?" Naira calls out from outside and Nova and Iris slowly pull away from the kiss. "She went outside alone—" Nova mumbles walking outside seeing Bellamy, Monty, Kane and Fio standing in front of her along with two other people she didn't know. Nova furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Bellamy and Monty.

"Nova.." Bellamy breathed out as Nova put Naira behind her. "What? What are you doing here? Fio?" Nova questions looking to Fio in confusion. "We need your help. It's.. Clarke she's been taken by Azgeda" Fio answers stepping forward and Naira looks up at Nova after hearing the name Azgeda.

"W-Why did you bring them here?" Nova asks looking to Fio who sighs. "I've heard you've don't training. We could use that. We need her back" Bellamy defends stepping towards Nova. "I know you've guys been through so much but-". "So much like her killing my mother?" Nova questions looking up at Bellamy. "But I know you still love her" Bellamy confesses and Nova's face drops into a serious one than turns around to look at Iris who stares at Nova with a sad face.

Nova turns back to Bellamy and takes a deep breath. "I can't help you. I won't" Nova states crossing her arms. "I knew we shouldn't have came looking for you" Bellamy says turning away and starts walking away. Nova turns around heading for the cabin but stops in her tracks brushing her forehead.

"Ah! Let me grab my cross bow" Nova says letting out a sigh and walking past Iris and grabbing her cross bow off the wall. Nova really didn't want to go but the thought of seeing Clarke made her heart beat a little bit. Iris and Naira stand in the door way looking at Nova as she also placed her weapons belt around her waist.

Iris grabs a bunch of arrows from a basket and hands them to Nova. "Are you coming back?" Naira asks walking up next to Iris. "Uh- I hope so" Nova answers honestly grabbing Naira's face and smiling down at her. "You know I can't come with you. And if you like plan to leave at least write or letter or tell me!" Iris says and Nova grabs her face and places a kiss on her lips. Iris never really talked about her past life to Nova but Nova never really asked. Not because she wasn't interested just because it looked like Iris never wanted to talk about it.

"Gross" Naira mumbles and Nova chuckles. Iris smiles softly but quickly stops and moves to the side to let Nova through. Nova hugs Naira tightly and walks out the cabin. Fio walks up to Nova and places a hand on her shoulder.

"I must go and warn my commander but I'll see you" Fio states and Nova nods as Fio takes off into the woods. Nova walks up to Bellamy, Kane, Monty and the 2 extra people they were with and clears her throat. "This doesn't mean i'm coming back to Skaikru, I'm just helping out old friends" Nova states and Bellamy widens his eyes nodding his head slowly.

"You beat me in my cell on the ark, Monty had me stay in a cage at mount weather. Don't look so surprised about being 'old friends'" Nova states as she puts her hand up in front of causing Bellamy to walk forward and lead the way along with the rest of the group. Nova looks back at Naira and Iris standing outside the cabin. Nova watches Iris lead Naira in the cabin and Nova smiled to herself, turning her head around and following the group.


Bellamy takes Nova and the rest of the group back this random cave where Azgeda was marching a few feet away from. "You brought me here with no plan? No plan!" Nova exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air.

Bellamy paces back and fourth making tracks in the dirt on the ground. "Sorry okay!" Bellamy shouts and Nova cracks her knuckles and begins thinking. "You know where she's at right?" Nova asks and Bellamy nods his head quickly and Nova walks out the cave seeing the 2 Azgeda warriors on the ground. Nova drag them in one at a time.

"You grab that one's clothes. I grab this one" Nova says pointing to the second for Bellamy. Bellamy sighs and begins stripping the warrior of his gear as Nova does the same. Nova puts on the Azgeda gear with Monty's help and puts a head piece around her head and covers her nose and mouth.

"We march with them" Nova mumbles and Bellamy looks down at his clothes and nods his head slowly.

Bellamy and Nova wander through the army of Azgeda. An Azgeda soldier looks to Nova and just thinks she is very confused so he turns her in the right direction making Bellamy also follow. Bellamy and Nova begin to follow the direction Clarke and Roan went and sees Roan's blood trail go down the steps. They go down and see Clarke tied up.

Bellamy rushes down taking off his head piece and Clarke is surprised to see him. He starts to untie Clarke and Nova slowly walks up behind Bellamy and Clarke looks her up and down. Nova slowly removes her hair piece and waves the hair prices out of her face and looks at Clarke. Clarke's smile drops as she stares at Nova. The girl she confessed her love to and left her in the middle of the woods in disbelief. Clarke looked behind Nova and widened her eyes.

"Look out!" Clarke shouted and Nova turned around and ducked. The man swings his knife but Nova dodges every hit coming her way. The man  gets the jump on oblivious Nova and has her flat on her back with a knife to her throat.

"Okay! Okay! Let her go!" Bellamy shouts putting his hands up. "Oh please, please don't. I'll do anything, I'll stop fighting. Just please don't kill her" Clarke begs as she looks into Nova's eyes like the first time she saw her. Nova looks up at the man but not in fear with strength. The man slowly takes the knife away from Nova's throat.

Clarke lets out a breath of relief "Thank you" Clarke whispers to herself. The man pushes Bellamy against the wall "Don't follow us" The man demands pushing Bellamy to the ground and promptly stabs Bellamy in the leg and then kicks him in the chin.

Nova sits up and coughs as Clarke is escorted out the place leaving a hurt Bellamy and a shocked Nova. Nova walks over to Bellamy and helps him stand "Come on. I'll help" Nova says as she wraps his arm around her shoulder and walks beside him as he limps.

They make it back to the cave and Pike, Hannah, Monty, and Kane run up and help set him down on a rock. "What happened?" Kane asks quickly and Nova takes deep breath trying to catch her breath. "This man stabbed him in the leg. Took Clarke" Nova answers and Kane sighs. "I almost got her" Bellamy says sounding disappointed in himself. "Pike, find their trail" Kane orders and Pike shrugs his shoulders. "It's useless. He knows he's being followed now" Pike states and Kane growls in anger.

Bellamy tries to stand by Kane and Nova stop him. "You can't even walk" Nova states and Bellamy sighs "So what, we give up? Let him kill her?" Bellamy argues looking to Nova. "We'll get her okay! We need time" Nova argues back and Bellamy scoffs.

"Who says you'll even stay long enough" Bellamy says and Nova shakes her head softly feeling ashamed. "I want to find her too, I do but look at your leg. You could die out here. We have no trail. I've been gone for 3 months" Nova states and Bellamy sighs "We're not losing her. Not again" Bellamy state and Nova sighs.

"We'll find her, Okay, we will figure something out, I promise. But this isn't the way" Monty states as he steps in the conversation. Nova smiles at Monty for the help and looks back at Bellamy who nods his head understanding.

Bellamy throws an arm over Monty's shoulder as they turn around to head out the cave. "I got you, now, come on" Monty says as he walks beside Bellamy.

"You coming? or you running.. again" Monty asks as he stops and turns his head.

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