Chapter 3 ~

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~Science Class~
Kat's POV
In Science there wasn't anything that fun. We just did the assignment we were supposed to do. Yeah, nothing to do here.
~Fast Forward to Lunch~
I forgot to say, my third period is Social Studies and my friend Jade is in there too! Jade and I started walking to lunch since we both had 1st lunch. Jade told me that her first day of school so far was going great! She also told me that she brung lunch from home too. So I told her " oh okay, you can sit at the table where all our friends are while I get lunch." She was fine with that so she walked over to the table inside the cafeteria(by the way there are lunch tables outside or inside the cafeteria). I saw two of my friends in the lunch line, Jazzay and Angel. I walked in the lunch line where they were and of course, I talked to them! I asked them how their day was going and if they liked their classes and stuff. They both replied that their day was going great! By then, it was our turn to get our lunches. The options were a muffin with yogurt, mashed potatoes with turkey, or cheese sticks with tomato sauce (like the ones you get at a pizza place). Of course I got the cheese sticks with tomato sauce! Jazzay, Angel, and I walked to the lunch table where all our friends were. Like Jade, Navneet, Alexis, Trinity, and more.
Introducing Kat's friends :
Jazzay- (already introduced) best friends with Navneet, chill, really nice, likes to fan girl about One Direction with Navneet ( sometimes we just don't know what they're talking about )
Angel- SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND, she thinks that I'm weird but she's pretty much used to it, smart, not that good with grammar( but I mean who's good with grammar right? ), super nice, relates to lots of things, and IS JUST A GREAT PERSON OVERALL.
Jade- (kinda already introduced) she has really good fashion, likes anime (not a weeaboo though), only wears clothes from online asian websites, she's Asian (you were probably wondering why she wears clothes from asian websites), she's all about the culture, only person who does puns with me.
Navneet- best friends with Jazzay, directioner, loves unicorns,bit on the crazy side, likes to yell, if you have food. she's of course going to steal it, and she's not afraid to hurt someone.
Alexis- directioner but doesn't talk about it as much, good listener, relatable, fangirls sometimes, basically a really nice person to talk to on a bad day.
Trinity- has a lil high pitched voice but everyone loves it, she's a tad bit more popular than everyone else ( I know I shouldn't be saying that but I just had too ), rad, she has hair that is longer than my future, and SHES PERF.
*~Author's Note~*
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time! and yes Kat's friends are based off of my friends, that's why they are so detailed xD. I hope you like this chapter! Also I don't know what youtuber I should put in, a gamer, vlogger, who? Idek but you guys will see what my decision is later. Love you guys, and have a nice day!(:

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