part 1 : "You are where my eyes linger"

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It was the last week of my summer vacation before changing schools again. If you asked me to give you the reason, I'd just shrug my shoulders and blame it on my father. I myself had no idea why changing schools that often was necessary.

Involuntarily, I was put in an oceanside resort in Croatia. Again, my father's idea. I gotta give this one to him though, this was probably the best idea he had ever come up with. Never in my life would I expect an European country to be this beautiful and calming.

That day was sunny and scorching hot. Sun rays were like burning rain. Pouring from the skies to heat up the streets and pavements, they melted anything they found on their way. If it wasn't for a huge umbrella that shielded me effectively, I would've also fallen victim to this life-threatening weather.

Like I said, the place was beautiful. That didn't mean I wasn't bored. It was quite the opposite. If dying from boredom was possible, I would already be six feet under, frying in some cemetery. I was resting by a pool, lazily scrolling through my explore feed on Instagram, slowly nearing that pitiful death. The monotonous sound of an artificial waterfall splashing into the water was only adding to that awful tediousness.

I didn't know how much time had passed. But suddenly the monotone was broken by a loud and cheerful scream. Some little girl appeared by the pool and started playing in the water. I put my phone down and looked over there. No matter what was happening, it couldn't possibly be more tedious than just scrolling through random photos. I held my drink, which was standing on the table next to me, and just watched the kid, sipping the bitterly thawed cocktail slowly.

The girl started splashing the water at someone sitting on the other side of the pool. It was a guy. Did they come together? I hadn't noticed him earlier. His plain gray T-shirt got completely soaked wet. The shade of the neighboring building was trying to hide his face from me but I still could see it clearly enough. His serious expression was giving off some kind of a scary vibe, as if he was going to explode in no time. If she was a complete stranger to him, she'd better run. Not taking my eyes off him, I grabbed my phone and shamelessly started recording the scene, waiting for the further events to unfold.

I don't know what exactly I was expecting to happen. What would I do if I were him? Scold her? Ignore her and just leave? Push her under the water? Either way, what actually happened was definitely unexpected. I mean, who would've thought the guy would smile so sweetly that tiny wrinkles would embrace his eyes tightly? Not only that, he also took off his T-shirt, exposing his well-built body. 'What's so unexpected about that' you ask? Well, the impact. I mean, who would've thought my heart was going to flutter like that? Who would've known it was so easy for a guy to sway me?

Unconsciously, I fixed myself in the sunbed I was resting on. Then, after subtly sliding my sunglasses towards the tip of my nose, I measured him head to toe and realized I was slightly biting my bottom lip. "What the hell are you doing?" I scolded myself and shook my head.

Nonetheless, my eyes stuck to that guy for good so all I could do was just hopelessly watch him get into the water. And I gotta admit, the view was quite breathtaking. I barely managed to hold in my gasp. His fit body slowly dipped in the water that turned silver in the sharp sunlight. His firm muscles shifting graciously upon his slightest movements were smoother than the waves on the surface of water. The small droplets, like a broken pearl necklace, were running down his tanned skin. I had to pay extra attention to my shaking hands not to accidentally stop recording.

I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that a guy built like that could look as sweet and soft as he did. I couldn't figure out the reason behind this. Maybe it was his wet hair, long enough to cover his forehead and thick eyebrows. Or maybe it was his enticing smile? Or maybe the way he treated the girl as if she was a fragile princess made of porcelain that would break if he touched her too roughly...

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