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Bloody Mary

In this evil prank, you're going to scare the wits out of your victim. Not just scare, but terrify and give him no way out of the terrifying situation. If your victim hasn't already heard about Bloody Mary, introduce him to the terrifying tale. Create some details of the story, e.g. she was a psychopathic killer in colonial times who butchered and ate other people regularly and loved to look into the mirror. The power of suggestion works to scare your victim here.

According to legend, before she died she managed to issue a curse so that if anyone looked into a mirror and chanted her name, she'd come back to kill them. Fortunately, however, if you turn on the lights and leave the room quickly, she'll vanish, preventing her from killing you. Dare your victim to invoke Bloody Mary for thrills and reassure him that it'll be okay, so long as the lights come on. 

When your victim is in the room, turn off the power supply to the room (usually can be done by flipping the correct circuit breaker, or just turn off the main supply). Then step outside quickly and close the door. You can just hold it shut if you can't lock it from the outside.

Your victim is probably panicking like mad now after seeing his own reflection in the mirror. It takes a while for the eyes to adjust, then the mind just takes over and plays on the power of suggestion. Now if you had an accomplice hiding in the room with a mask and a fake knife, the effect is going to be even more terrifying for your victim. 

This is a very evil prank, although it's likely to only work on kids.

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