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UPDATE: I am no longer taking requests because I finished this story. Sorry. I really don't know why I'm writing this instead of changing the AUTHOR'S NOTE at the bottom, but whatevs. Enjoy the story!😊

I went to go see Connie at the beach today because she said she had a surprise for me. "Steven! You sir, are late. She was left already.""Who?""Oh! My family took in a homeless person who waw really sick, but she is okay. Anyway, she left to go get some fry bits for us. She has this weird nickname. She calls herself Obs. Weird, huh?"Connie sounded so exited and it made me really happy to see her this way. After about ten minutes, I saw this really pretty looking teenager coming towards us."Oh, yay, Obs is back!" Obs certainly did not look as I pictured her. She had black, wavy hair, that went down to where her ribs ended. She had slightly paler than average skin, and was tall and wispy. She wore a pair of newspaper print leggings and a black turtleneck sweater. I guessed she was about sixteen."This is Obs, she's nineteen. Obs, this is my friend, Steven, he's eleven."We shook hands and Connie really wanted me to take Obs to meet the crystal gems. When we got there, Obs said, "Hey Steven, I have a cousin who knows you. Her name is Lap-Lily, yes, her name is Lily.""Oh, well I don't know any Lilys. All I know is a Connie." Amethyst came running out to meet us."Hey Steven, hey Connie! Who's your friend?""Oh, this is-""I'm Obs, Connie's family took me in off the streets because they saw me get hit by a car."Oh! That's why Connie's family took Obs in. Because she got hit by a car."Hey, Steven, we have to leave for a mission now. Wanna come?Amethyst said."Maybe next time. I wanna hang out with Connie and Obs.""Okay bye, Steven!"Once the gems had left, Obs brought out her karaoke machine, her phone, and her speakers."Lets have a karaoke dance party! I love karaoke because I did so much of it when I was in Japan."We put on some music and Obs picked me up. She swung me around in a familiar dance."Wait! Stop! We're fusing!
After we'd fused, we became Stevobs."Oh no Steven! You fused with Obs!"Connie yelled."Hey, why is our back itchy?""Wait, Steven don't-" But it was too late. I pulled up our t-shirt just enough to reveal the small black rock embedded in the middle of our shoulder blades."You're a gem?""Yeah,"she sighed."I was trying to keep it secret. My real name is-""Wait, let me guess! Are you Onyx?"Connie asked."Nope, I am Obsidian. The cousin I was telling you about was Lapis Lazuli. She got trapped under the ocean with Jasper. I came here to rescue her. Don't tell the gems, okay Steven?""Yeah, okay." We walked around a bit and decided to go to the Big Donut."Steven, did you accidentally fuse again?"Sadie sighed."Yup. Hey, where's Lars? He's in the staff room taking a break. Hey Lars! Come here, Steven fused again.""I'm coming, I'm coming."Just then, we de-fused."Who is your hot friend Steven?"Lars asked."Who, Connie?""No, no, the one with the sexy black hair.""Oh that's Obsidi-er, I mean Obs.""Lars shut up."Sadie said, obviously exasperated."Why doesn't she have a sexy name?""I don't know, why don't you have a sexy name? Besides, I am way older than you."Obsidian replied sarcastically."Oh really, I am twenty one, how old are you?"Lars said."My twenty thousandth birthday is a week from tomorrow."Lars just stood there, dumbfounded."Oh."We left with a bag of nine donuts, three for me, one for Connie, one for Garnet, two for Amethyst, one for Pearl, and one for Obsidian.

Author's note:I had so much fun writing this chapter. I would love to put you guys into the story plot. Just say what you want your gem/precious metal/stone to be, how old you are, what you look like, and your weapon. I love you!♡

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