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Hey guys about the contest I already have 6 people so hurry up before it's too late and here are the 6 people that you should know







So Bam I still need four
Bonus small chapter
"Hey Dipper Have you seen Y/N?"Hiro asked

"she's with her friends named....Elsa?.and ahe is with Mabel"I replied in a hush tone

"I'm gonna find her,wanna come dip?"Hiro remarked clunching his fist

"Are you gonna punch someone or somethin"I exclaimed

"Nope it just hurts"Hiro remarked

"And I'm not coming I'm kinda busy"I said eyeing again my book

"Fine.I'll find my gummy"he said opening the door

"As the real gummy--"I got cut off"'not that kind of gummy.Y/N"he said

My temper raised up because Hiro just called Y/N gummy!

(Not included a chapter just a skit because you guys might be dying for a next chapter)

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