Chapter :: 24

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(A/N ::So guys the pic and the vid there are for the plan 'convince people atleast to try to join the singing contest' and I do not own the video.the video is just the choreography but if you saw some gymnastics at the choreography just imagine it is some SWAG moves
Oh and yeah there will be some short of your P.O.V. and just enjoy the song and the moves (this is like the part two of last chapter ) so lets go!)

Megan's P.O.V. (Me/Author)
it was the end of the fourth period that means it's lunch now me and the girls look really Dope and Swag today because we are performing something special for the singing contest comittee (that means we are in charge)

I texted the girls to meet me at the cafeteria I took a deep breath cause we practice all night for this and we had hired few back dancers

(Time skip)
"Are you ready?"I asked all of them they nodded I know signalled Uncle Yensid
Uncle Yensid cleared his throat at the microphone

"Students!Please be calm I will let you be entertained at this performance my niece made so ladies and gentlemen please enjoy!"he called out

The lights shut down that means it will start We hang our headphones at the back of the neck I took a really deep breath and sang the lyrics of verse 1

I got out of the shadows still singing

(Do you know the kind of microphone that you don't have to hold it .it just hang on your ear and it leads a stick with a microphone somewhere close from your mouth)

Once they saw me out of the shadows the girls started coming out too(even the back dancers)

I felt my eyes turn to red
Let me explain

When me Jess and Abegail turn our eyes red that means we have used our power of voices it might affect the other peoples and the girls wore a special necklace that has a diamond on it we restore our power in our necklace and that's why my eyes turn red and I could even feel Abegail and Jess's eyes turned red to, let's just say Bestfriends power.

And here come the best part

The girls held each others hand a I have to run to them and it will stop me from getting where I was going and then the beat drops and we dance through the chorus while singing everyone was cheering and howling I just smirk and continued on and then Abegail continued the second verse with Jess and we all danced and sing once it was done Jess shouted "this is dedicated to the singing contest if you want to join it will be a pleasure you might win some great prizes including this trophy!"she pointed to the table with a glass box where the trophy shines proudly and brightly

"Thank you!"I bowed

Your P.O.V.
Wow it was the greatest performance ever!I clapped my hands in the entertainment

Well I was just planning on joining

"Come here and sign your name"The shortest girl shouted

People were on a line that means I have to line up to I lined up then turned to the gang and they gave me a thumbs up

I returned a bright smile at them

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