Chapter 1

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I sighed as I closed my laptop screen after having a long conversation with an anon. He said his name was Willam but "He" could be a 15 year old girl fan of my blog. That anon could be like those cute anons followers give just to be nice. But we have been talking for a whole year! We have this kind of pen pal thing it's fun to have someone to joke around with and be myself without over thinking it too much



"Hi, Char!"

"Hi, where have you been?!"

"At my house...why do you ask?" I rolled my eyes in amusement because she was so overdramatic

"Guess what??!!"

"What?" I asked, even though I was pretty sure she got new boots or something. She was always updating me on her wardrobe but I loved her anyways

"I...well we got invited to Harry's fourth of july party!!"

"And I should be exited because....?"

"Because it's going to be the party of the year!"

"I still don't understand." I said smiling as I heard her sigh at the other end of the line

"Anyways" Charlotte said "We are going."

"I don't want to for a couple of reasons 1) I'm a socially awkward girl 2) Parties are not my thing and 3) I have nothing to wear."  I said and I inwardly sighed to myself because I was so Pessimistic

"I will help with all of that!" she said and I bit my lip unsure about this

"Fine...I'll go."


Love you all for reading!

*edited as of 6-12-14*

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