The Past & The Future

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(A lot of the crossovers to come will be set in specific times before the years their works were published. For those of you who don't know this Harry Potter takes place in the 1990s thus pointing out the story is supposed happen before the fist book was publish which was just two years later in 1997. Another crossover taking place right this second is the Little Mermaid movie filmed and released in 1989 with the sequel The Little Mermaid 2 Return to the Sea that come out five years later in 2000.)

Author's Warning: I do not own The Little Mermaid franchise or any of its characters but I do own the crossover backstories. And this is something to do with a major part of Politea's past and the family she once lived based on what we were given to assume on The Secret of the Abyss movies. And on an assumption that Politea's laughter reminded me of another two underwater villains renowned for their vicious deceit.
Third warning, I'm aware the original author set this in Danish origin, but if you watch Eric's ship closely you will see a United Kingdom flag unfurl. This indicates the Prince is from the United Kingdom, but we have no clue what country.
Fourthly another warning Ariel isn't a Mediterranean Princess and for some reason I can't figure out why people seem to think that Atlantica is Atlantis. Atlantica is Ariel's kingdom therefore it is a logical choice she came to grow up in the Atlantic Ocean which explains the tv show and why she could survive a trip all the way from the North to the South pole. I have only heard one Atlantis city mentioned in the Disney Franchise and that's with Princess Kidda (I haven't look her name up) and the other one mentioned in Aquaman cartoons (have no idea if this is the same for the live movie underwater kingdom.
Fifth complaint sure because you see a lot tropical fish perhaps off the coast of Florida in the Atlantic or off the coast of Portugal or Italy or Greece doesn't mean the species doesn't migrate even if they live underwater.
Sixth warning: Despite the Greek names of certain characters none of the characters are related and none of them are from the Greek Myths. This is my interpretation of what Walt Disney was trying to do with The Story of the Little Mermaid. I don't care for Broadway making Ursula a sister to Triton. Just because it's done in broadway doesn't mean everyone should look at it that way. One sided views are pointless guys.
7. The only thing I will admit too is that Ariel's mermaid colors from her red hair to green tail fit the two colors of three on the Italian flag. Therefore I feel as if she would enjoy Italy the most because of her red hair she would be more accepted there. Also I do believe that the castle shown in the Little Mermaid Franchise is not the castle Eric ruled in but more like a vacation palace so it could have been a random beach maybe in Italy. Royalty is known to have more than one castle riddled through history just look at England for those many different palaces like Westminster Palace and Buckingham Palace etc.
I'm done complaining now. I just have to address a few things here.)
Please enjoy the Little Mermaid Crossover right now.

Ariel's Pov
August 20, 1995

"It had been just six years and on November 13, Eric and I would celebrate Our Sixth Wedding Anniversary!" I exclaimed. "Can you believe it, Sebastian?"

"Ah Ar-rie elle how many times must I tell you, I don't care." mumbles the crab of hers. "I see you ditched the fork through the hair combing sessions."

"Oh, I'm almost hadn't. But one of the villagers in the market said if you don't think the brush will work try a comb. It's not that different from your fork, Princess." I sighed placing down the comb.

"That looks like your sea hair comb you used that Arista always got confused and fought over it."

I made a pouting face and held my chin up with my own hand and stated. "Please don't remind me the day I got Beached by my father, Sebastian. And then those crazy Bayou Gators crashed the Peace and Quiet of Atlantica if I recall it wasn't a good idea for you either!"

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