ch 1 Aiden

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Hi so many of you reading this know about bully and his crush so im re-making it but not toxic and with more chapters and smut  enjoy!!!!!!!!


Aiden was the bully of the school weather that be pushing kids into lockers, flushing there heads into the school toilets, punching them etc. etc.

Though Aiden was my best friends brother, so i didn't get it as bad as other kids. Although he still did bully me when he could.

Today was Thursday i hate thursdays. There's always too much homework, thursdays are just fill in days for friday. As i was walking to my locker i saw aiden scaning me up and down. I felt uneasy the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I looked around the halls for my best friend louis aidens brother. As my panicked eyes searched around the halls for louis aiden got closer.

Aiden walked over as he got closer and closer i froze in a state of panic. I closed my eyes and when i oped them again there was aiden standing right in front of me. Aiden was attractive i have got to admit that, he had jet black hair a strong build and he wore a black jacket.

"Hey" aiden said. My eyes squeezed shut as aiden pushed me into a locker. It was stange he was just.......... Standing there doing nothing but looking me dead in the eyes. Just as his friends startes to walk over the bell rang. I ran straight to my locker not paying any attention to aiden and his friends. I shoved my books into my locker and ran to class.

The day was almost over the last class of the day gym. Aiden was in my gym class but so was Louis so i would be fine they kind of cancelled out eachother. When i got to class i went to the locker room. Sliding off my shirt to re-place it with a white T. I changed my pants to red shorts.

Today in gym we were running the relay race. Running was fun because it was something i was good at. I could cancel out the whole world when i was running.

The group of teens all went out to the track talking and laughing. I was walking next to louis, i was not talking because my eyes were fixed on something or someone else. Aiden.

Aidens eyes were dead set on me. I hated it the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up. Just then one of aidens friends pushed his arm. He looked away i was relieved but some what sad that he did so. I don't know what i think about aiden i don't hate him but i don't like him either.

🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑****************end of chapter*

Author's note 🍑🍑🍑

Hey besties 😏🖐 sorry i changed a lot of things. I don't think aiden would hurt his crush if he likes them alot. And we don't really have much context to there relationship other than, bully and then seggs. So im gonna make them have more feelings towards each other 😌. And louis is going to be an actual caring friend in this <3 🍑🍑🍑 also besties give me idea's and what you wanna see in this i want there to be at least 35 chapters. 🕴🕴
And yes theres gonna be a lot more smut in this 😏😏😏 but not at school where anyone can catch them 😭🖐. But don't worry you guys will still get your second-hand embassment 💟

Sorry its shourt i wrote this in 45mins

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