chp 11 - jealousy

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Aiden turned his head we met eyes then i stromed off. When i was sure aiden couldn't see me i ran to the back of the school where no one hanged out.

I cried and cried i skipped the rest of my class and just went straight home.

My parents and siblings all werent home so i had that at least right?

The next couple of days i tried to forget about all of it but i couldn't.
Oh friday it was game day.

"Hey" i heard a girls voice say

"Huh? Oh hey" i replied

I looked over to aiden he was staring at me and looking at the girl with a cold dead look my body shiverd it was like he had changed the hallway from warm to ice cold like outside.

I turned back to her and gave her a warm smile "hey its Kennedy right?"

She giggled "yeah i thought you would forget"

" and you're ethan?"

"Yeah" i said

"So the game tonight you said you wanted to go with me right?"

"Y-yeah but don't you hav-" she said i little shocked

"So its a date " i said to her. I glared at aiden then gave her a peck on the cheak.

I walked the other was turning my head to give her a wave and smile. After i saw her turn the corner i let out a sigh.


Aiden had pinned me to a locker.

"What the hell was that?" He said angry.

"Hm y'know just my date for tonight" i said looking off into the hall.

"WHAT???" aiden said

"Oh don't look so surprised" i said
He just stayed quite looking at me.

"Aiden go away and go kiss your girlfriend." I said whiile getting out of his grasp and walking away.

He grabbed my wrist "ethan it's not what you think"

Before i could respond another hand grabbed mine from aiden.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE" Louis said

"I wasn't doing anythin-" aiden tried to say


Louis turned on his heels and dragged me down the hallway.

"I'm so sorry about the car thing and nit talking much all week i'm a bad friend"

I laughed a little "it's fine louis.

"No its not i should have been a better friend" he said

And before i could even say anythink we where at our next class.

In the time we were in class louis somehow figured out i was going to the game with a girl.

He kept throwing notes with words on them like

"hey you got a gf ;)"

"i thought you were more into guys tho"

"is she cute?"

"Don't give her a hoodie you'll never get it back trust me"

I just rolled my eyes and went back to doing my work.

Football game-

I met up with Kennedy she was wearing a Denham jacket with a black top and jeans with pink hightops with her long brunette hair in a ponytail.

I was wearing a black hoodie with a windbreaker jacket on top with blue jeans and white high tops with my short sandy blonde hair a little bit messy

I saw aiden there aswell he was just wearing a black sweater with black jeans and black high tops.

All i could look at was him. His messy black hair was shining it was fluffy an-

"Hey over here this spot looks good. So your friend louis plays Soccer right?" Kennedy said while pulling my arm over to a seat.

I sighed and followed her over to the seat. We talked for most of the game.

I looked over at aiden once in a while. I catched him looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

Maybe there was a good reason he was with that girl.

Once the game was over me and Kennedy walked into the parking lot.

"Hey theres a party tonight do maybe wanna come" she said

I looked at her blankly then blinked.

"U-uh nah im not really into partys " i responded.

"Oh ok ha...ha " she said.

I saw her look over her shoulder then smile and waved to her friends.

"Hey i'm gonna go ok?"

"Yeah yeah sure have fun" i said

She then ran to her friends without giving me a second thought.

I sighed then turned around to see aiden standing there.

"AIDEN" i screamed a group of girls looked over at us then rolled there eyes looking away.

"Ethan please just-just let me explain" I could hear the desperation in his voice.

"Explain what?? You have a girlfriend?"

"No no shes not my- look i just needed to cover for her"


"Ethan please-" he got cut short by one of his friends calling out his name.

They came up to him swinging an arm over his shoulder.

"Hey aiden what are we going to do to this nerd today" one of his idiot friends said.

Aiden stood there for a minute as his friends went on and on.

Aiden grabbed one of there arms then smashed there head on a car.
I looked in shock as he did so.

"What the hell" i heard a voice say

I looked to the left to see louis standing there in shock.


He grabbed my wrist and walked away dragging me with him. I didn't find out what happened between aiden and his friends. But i could see a group of people start to form around them.

After louis had dragged me away from people he asked

"What the hell is going on ethan?"

I looked at him

"Ethan what is going on between you and aiden??"

"I-i don't know" i said

After that louis wouldn't let me out of his sight when we were at school.

When i saw aiden in the halls or at the lunch table only two of his friends were there, they were the less dumb ones.

Aiden had stopped bulling people aswell.

The only class i didn't have with louis or aiden was English. It was kind of my way to think. It was funny i used to hate English but now it was the only way i could think.

It had been a week since i talked to aiden i think he thinks that i'm ignoring him but i didn't care i was too caught up in my thoughts.

When the teacher called me to write on the bourd i walked up and started writing. Then i heard a door open and close.

I heard a bunch of girls whisper thinks like "hes hot " or "wow maybe hes not that bad"

When i looked over it was aiden.


Did i just leave you all on a cliffhanger? Yes yes i did <3 i hoped you enjoyed


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