you gotta love Alexia

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Alexia Creed was a 17 year old senior just about over with life. She was a beautiful girl but no one seemed to notice until she came back from summer break. In Grade 11 everyone would make fun of her for how late she hit puberty. But it came hard when summer break hit. She lived with her dad, and her twin siblings Felix and carter they were both age 10. She had average grades not smart but not dumb.

As she walks up to school she see's her friend Jayson " What's up Jayce poo" she says flashing a gummy smile Jayson looks up to see Alexia marching towards him "well,well look who it is, hey Alex" he says raising an eyebrow and flickering his diamond blue eyes up and down her slim yet hourglass figure. Their other friends Max and elli join them as they slump their bodies towards the automatic school doors, "man I really would rather be somewhere else" elli says as we enter the school hallway making our ways to our lockers lined across the school walls, "see you guys later" max says plastering a smile on his face we all look over with faces as blank as paper " bye" we say. School seems like it takes forever to end the clock taking hours just for a minute to go by.

The day ends and me,max,elli,and Jayce meet up at the benches spread across the school grounds. All the kids lead outside to echo with voices bouncing from all the buildings surrounding us, I finally speak up saying " I'm going to Club Disco tonight, anyone want to join?" I ask, even though we aren't aloud in clubs yet that's where fake id come in. It takes awhile for them to reply as they think it over " I can't tonight, sorry!" they all say. "Yeah,it's fine see you guys tomorrow" I strain out really wishing my friends could join me "see ya" they voice out. I make my way home throwing my stuff on the steps of our house making my way up the stairs, "hey alexia!" Dad says as he makes his way to the front door leaving for work. Every since mom died dad had to find a job closer to home. "Hey dad" I say high kneeing up the stairs, I make my way up the stairs turning on the shower so it can heat up. Carter and Felix are at our aunts house for night so I have no reason to stay home. I get in the shower absorbing the water as it drums against my back. I step out the shower making my way to my room. I put on my blue rhinestone dress that reaches mid-thigh, I put on my glistening clear gloss and sparkly blue eyeshadow to go with my dress. Lastly Brushing through my wavy honey colored hair. I soon find my self downstairs again putting on silver heels high enough to make me appear more classy.

I arrive at Club Disco stepping out my Honda, I strut my way to the bouncer "ID please" I show him my ID he looks above his ray band glasses then back down at the card "this isn't real, leave now!" Just as I start to walk away a man from behind me says "she's with me" I look behind me to see a man around 6'3 with a black suit on guards walk behind him close enough so everyone knows not to get to close, the bouncer immediately looks intimidated and stutters out "o-oh sorry mam" this guy must be of some importance if even the bouncer with hulk muscles gets intimidated. I wait for him to catch up with me before I say " Thank you!!! You didn't have to do that" I say glaring into his emerald green eyes he glances up looking into my soil colored eyes " You owe me" he says "what do you want?" I say my heels clacking softly beside him "I want to have a couple of drinks and then take you back to my place" he says with a wide smile across his face. "What have I gotten myself into" I murmur to myself.

We find our way to the bar squeezing through all of the drunk dancers rubbing against each other. "So" I say "what do you do for a living?" He tells the bartender our drinks and then shifts himself in the stool he slouches in, "I own a business" he says "that's cool, I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur but I think it would be hard." I say skimming my eyes down his amazingly fixed body. His eyes compliment his olive colored skin,His black button up shirt squeezing to his body, and showing his every movement made as his muscles flex and his abs clench, I can say he is a very fine man. "Maybe I could teach you a few things" he says shifting his hand from the counter onto my thigh yanking at my dress, I try not to show how he just made me feel.But I start to feel me face heat up and my cheeks turn a rosy pink color. "Yeah" I say as my tongue rolls against the inside of my cheek.

We finish off our drinks, and find our way to his black "limousine?" I say. He stares at me as the guard opens the door for the two of us, I scoot into the limousine and he does the same. I don't know what it is but something about him compels me to forget about everything and just focus on the two of us sitting side by side.

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